Chapter 4

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Sammy's POV

It's been a really long time since someone actually surprised me and I don't know what the fuck to do about this shit. I seriously thought Creed had lost his fucking mind for a minute there. I started wondering if senility could hit someone in their early fifties. This... woman... is good. She's really fucking good at what she does. I'm not easy to fool but I fell for her act hook, line, and sinker. She just... looks the part and she seems to have complete control over her body language and emotions. It's natural for her.

How does someone fake making their eyes twinkle like that?

This chick slips in and out of her little act like it's a motherfucking stocking cap. It makes you doubt your own eyes. One minute she's staring at you with remorse and tears in her big blue-green eyes and the next she's completely cold and emotionless. Then you blink and she's giggling like a school girl at her own birthday party and batting her eyelashes.

I watched her closely during our transaction after she revealed herself to have something other than candy, rainbows, and unicorns in her pretty little skull and I couldn't detect a thing. Not one actual emotion. It was like she was a fucking robot. A very cold and efficient robot. Either someone taught her really well or she's been through too much.

Maybe she just doesn't feel anything.

I can't take my eyes off of her. She's gorgeous and obviously very intelligent. I seriously doubt that she's actually twenty-one, but she can't be younger than nineteen or twenty, right?

Kids aren't like this. They slip up and make mistakes. Especially when they've been drinking. But here she is, attached to a fucking beer bong, literally being pumped full of booze like she's done it a hundred times before after a total of four beers and three shots. And that's if I didn't miss something, which I doubt I did because I've been watching her all damn night. She wasn't even slurring. I know she has a buzz, there's no way she doesn't. But she's really holding this shit together and I'm im-fucking-pressed. She can't be more than five feet tall.

How long has she been doing this?

And there it is. My chest constricts. I know she's been in this since she was way too young. Nobody is this good unless it's been their life since they were a kid. An actual kid. I shouldn't fucking care because I've seen some sick shit, but I do. I fucking care for the first time in a long time and it's fucking bullshit.

Maybe it's her baby face. Maybe it's because she came off as completely innocent when I first met her. How in the hell can someone fit in so well without actually belonging?

Where the fuck does she actually belong?

She's so good at both parts... wait. Maybe both of the women that I met upstairs in my study, the airhead and the dealer... maybe they're both just parts that she plays.

But then who is she, really?

She finishes funneling beer into her body and detaches the hose from her full pink lips before raising both arms above her head, flashing her cute little heart shaped bellybutton ring, and laughing sweetly. I notice Cal advancing towards her from the other side of the crowd before some other college douchbag drags her off to the dance floor inside. She practically skips with him, beaming around the yard.

Because I've been watching her all night, I've also noticed other people watching her all night. The one that concerns me the most is Cal. He knows how to get into a woman's pants and, for once, I don't particularly like that. Danny, if that's even her actual fucking name, doesn't seem the type to be susceptible to manipulation. But that doesn't mean she won't fuck him for fun. Or just to keep up the "act".

How far does she take this shit?

My blood runs cold at the thought that she has sex with dudes just to keep up this carefree character. Is that what she does? Does she whore herself out?

No. She doesn't seem the type.

Then what is her type?

I know nothing about her, other than that I've seen two versions of her and I'm not sure if they're both fake or only one is.

Is there a third version?

Does she just have casual sex? If she does, does she stay in "character"? Fuck. Does she bat those gorgeous innocent eyes and beg to cum with a pout on her face, like she begged me to dance with her tonight?

Stupid little girls aren't my type, but I wouldn't be a man if I turned down some role play. She's so fucking hot and when she put her hands on me and begged me for a dance, my mind immediately went to a very dark place. I couldn't help it. Then she started rolling her hips against me on the dance floor. Like fucking heaven and hell collided and the brunt of the impact was directly behind my zipper. It felt so good but it was fucking torture.

I'm so glad that Cal has been gradually pulling out of this shit. Out of our world. There shouldn't be any reason for him to know that she's not what she seems. She's made it clear that she won't reveal a thing to anyone that Creed doesn't send her to do business with and I know that Cal won't be one of them. There shouldn't be any reason for him to want to get closer to her other than wanting a hump and dump. And if I play my cards right I can prevent that from happening.

I don't know why, but I want her for myself. Just for now. Or more. But I want her to be mine. I have to know who she is. The real her. Something tells me that she's not going to give me any sort of information, so I start to look around for someone who might know something.

I need to find James.

Hey! So this is the beginning part, obviously. I know it's starting out a bit slow, but I'm wanting to introduce the main characters and kind of give everyone a feel for who they are and how they think.

If you're reading this, please let me know what you think so far! Do the comment and vote thing and all that.

What do you think of Danny?




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