Chapter 19

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Cal's POV

I shouldn't have done that. Fuck.

I watched Danny walk out the door with fucking Sammy, like I've been watching her since I fucking got here to find her playing beer pong with Stacy. Just having a great time like she didn't have a fucking care in the world when she's the only thing I've been able to think about for the past 24 hours and then some.

I also watched Sammy going around selling his fucking cocaine. She came to a fucking party with him of all fucking people and he's going around dealing drugs while she has no fucking clue the kind of person she's fucking around with. This shit isn't safe for her.

I really need to get her a fucking taser.

After she walks out with Sammy I look at the girl on my lap. Lisa? No. Laura... I think. She's not bad looking. She's actually pretty fucking hot.

"Hey. Do you like giraffes?"


"... Nothing. Listen, I need to go," I say as I move her off of my lap so I can stand up.

"Do you want to come by my place?"

I should. I haven't gotten laid in days and Danny left me with fucking blue lass yesterday.

"No, not tonight. I have places to be."

"Let me give you my number and we can hook up this week..."

She types her information into my phone and I walk out the door, scanning the yard for Danny and Sammy.

I see Danny off to the side a little, but that's not Sammy she's talking to. No. That's fucking Devon. The fucking sleaze bag himself. Danny doesn't look too happy, either.

Where the fuck is Sammy and why is he letting her fucking talk to him?

I start walking as quickly as I can to get over to her. When I get within hearing distance, Devon says something that sounds like, "feel good," as his hand reaches out and grabs her ass. I see red for a second, but Danny surprises me when her tiny fist shoots out like lightning and connects with Devon's jugular.

Holy shit.

I halt in my steps. I was not expecting that. I expected a damsel in distress. I expected her to be shocked and appalled. Unsure what to do. Maybe some crying or trying to get away or some shit. But no. She fucking throat punched the bastard. Hard.

Danny is now backing away, scanning the area for fucking Sammy who should have been there to prevent this in the first fucking place. Devon is coughing and spluttering, bent over, but recovering quickly.

"Y-hack-you... -hack- fucking bitch!" Devon hacks again and spits on the ground, "I'll fuckin—,"

"You'll what?" I interrupt stepping forward, causing both Danny and Devon to turn towards me, both surprised and caught off guard.

"What do you need, Cal, this isn't your fucking business," Devon spits out, his face still red from struggling to breathe. He coughs again and spits on the ground.

"She's my business."

"This little bi—,"

"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you. You got what you had coming to you, now get the fuck out of here before I finish the fucking job," I snap, stepping forward and towering over the little fucker.

Devon glares at me, spits on the ground again and looks towards her. I stiffen up. "Not fucking worth it," he declares and storms off. Fucking coward.

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