Chapter 39

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Danny's POV

"Seriously, the more that I think about it, the more convinced I am that penguins are basically icy sea ducks. So they probably taste like ducks," Zeke is telling James.

"Right, but that doesn't change the fact that they only eat fish. Like Danny said, animals taste like what they eat. They're going to have a fishy undertone," James says, taking another hit off the joint we've been passing around.

"Yeah. So maybe like... lobster birds..." I add, thoughtfully while I prepare my supplies for the pool party tonight. I've already showered and set my hair before putting it into a loose French braid so that a few ringlets rest across my neck and temples. I've used water proof eye makeup and left out the concealer and foundation because that stuff doesn't stay on in the pool no matter how water proof it claims to be. I just need to dress myself now.

"That doesn't make any fucking sense! Penguins are fucking birds lobsters are bugs," Zeke exclaims.

None of this makes any sense.

"They're crustaceans, not bugs," James says. "Which reminds me: did you know that roly polies aren't really bugs? They're actually crustaceans. They're basically land shrimp."

Fucking ew.

"Bullshit, dude, I'm looking that up right now you're so fucking full of it!" I hear Zeke declare as I walk into my bathroom to put on my swimsuit and cover.

The cover doesn't really cover much since you can see right through it so I'm having second thoughts. I decide last minute to wear my white ripped denim shorts with it and head back out of my bathroom to grab them.

"...don't fucking believe it, dude. I wonder what they taste like," Zeke is saying, staring at his phone in wonderment.

That does it, I'm never fucking eating shrimp again... who am I kidding? Yes I am.

"Holy shit, Dorky!" James says, causing Zeke to snap his head up in my direction.

"I'm getting some shorts on," I say with a shrug as I dig through a pile of clothes sitting on my suitcase behind my couch.

"Fuck, Danny, why don't you skip that party and come on over to my—," but he's interrupted by my window opening wider and Sammy sliding in.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I ask, finally finding my shorts and hopping around a little to get them on over my bottom.

"On what, your window sill? Besides I could hear Zeke and James bickering halfway down the stairs, I figured you'd be decent..." his gaze rakes over me hotly. "And you are. Ready to go?"

Sammy doesn't need to attend these parties with me anymore, but he still insists on at least dropping me off and picking me up from them. He wants to make sure I'm safe, even though I've assured him over and over that I've done this a million times. At least I don't have to pay a cab this way.

"Yeah, lemme get my bag and my flip flops. Y'all gonna stay here?" I ask James and Zeke.

"Naw, we're heading over to Mac's in a few," James says.

"Call when you get back safely. Send nudes when you change," Zeke says.

"Shut the window when you leave," I call out as I climb out the window, Sammy close behind me.


"Cause it's them ass cheeks
That make my ass weak
And I've been ridin' with the blue balls
since last week
So if you ask me
I'll be glad to speak
After we get butt naked and break it
down nasty
Get, get Naked (C'mon baby make it hot)
Get, get Naked (Ride the cock til' you hit
the spot)
Get, get Naked, (C'mon baby make it hot)
Get, Get Naked"

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