Chapter 52

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Cal's POV

That fucking fucker.

I stare down a cocky looking Joshua from my place on the ring as he smiles widely up at me. That fucking shit head. He's not that dumb. He knows. He fucking knows that I want her. I saw it in his eyes when I noticed him with Danny a few minutes ago while they were discussing "business". Fucker looked right at me and kept whispering in her ear.

He thinks this is amusing.

I want to kick his ass but I can't. Danny said she wants to take this slow. All our problems started because I didn't control my temper. I have to hold back or risk losing her. So instead I take my rage out on yet another challenger.

My opponent manages to get one hit in when I'm distracted by Joshua talking in Danny's ear again before shaking Jack's hand and exiting with her. After that I make short work of him so I can try to get to Danny before she's gone but I know it's an exercise in futility. She'll be out of this building before I can knock this guy out.

What the fuck is Joshua playing at?


"Great match as usual, Cal," Jack says to me after my shower when I'm heading for the door.

"Thanks," I respond, walking past him to the door. I'm not in the mood for fucking chit chat.

"So, Joshua tells me you're already acquainted with our Danny..." he says, causing me to stop in my tracks.

Our Danny? Our? Mine.


"Oh, nothing. She's a remarkable girl, that one," he says casually, pulling a hair off of his shirt. "Creed seems quite taken..."

I fucking hate Creed. That conniving, manipulative fuck.

"I was thinking it would be in her best interest if she came to work for me, instead and I wanted to re-extend that offer to you. It's still on the table, you know. Same as last year."

"You know the answer to that. Another month or so and I'll be done in the ring and anything that has to do with your bullshit. And back the fuck off of Danny. She's in deep enough where she's at. You're only going to drag her down," I grit out.

"That's where you're mistaken, Cal. You know Creed and how he can be. He's getting worse. If anything, I'm helping the girl. Creed is dragging her down and I'm offering her a hand up," Jack replies diplomatically.

"You're offering to lead her deeper into the fucking dark," I snap. "If you really wanted to help her, you'd tell her to fucking run in the opposite direction."

"Not everyone prefers the life that you prefer. In fact, I recall a time when you didn't want anything to do with the straight and narrow."

That was before dad died and left me to care for Clarice on my own. I couldn't risk going to prison or getting killed and leaving her all alone.

"You don't really think that Danny wants to live the way she's living. It's not even a real life. She's in survival mode. She's just doing what she thinks she has to do."

"Maybe," he shrugs. "But maybe not. Has she ever told you as much?"

No. I haven't had the chance to ask.

"It's been nice talking to you, Cal. I'm sure you're eager to get home to your sister," Jack says, not waiting for my answer, like he knows already.

Without another word, I walk up the stairs and out the door of the gym, pulling out my phone to text Danny.

Cal: Where'd you go?

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