Chapter 62

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Danny's POV

Joshua wasn't home when Cal dropped me off and it was kind of a relief because I needed some time to think. Or to do everything I could to not think because so much had happened lately that every thought that I had gave me a headache to rival that of a hangover.

Taking advantage of the empty house I gathered together some pajamas, a joint, and my Bluetooth speaker. I brought them into the bathroom and pinned up my hair, ready to soak in the tub with some Pink Floyd and forget that I exist.

I climbed in, keeping my freshly tatted foot hanging over the side and relaxed in the water, doing my best to just empty my mind while I smoked my joint and sipped my beer. The contrast of the warm water and the icy cold beer was soothing and somehow poetic.

"So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from hell?
Blue skies from pain?
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
Did they get you to trade
Your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
Did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?"

I don't know how long I reclined in the tub, slipping in and out of my thoughts, but by the time I was ready to get out the water had cooled significantly and my beer and joint were both gone. As I sat up and pulled the plug I heard the sound of the front door opening and closing before steady footsteps entered the house.

"Danika?" Came Joshua's voice from the living room.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and called back, "I'm in the tub!"

".... Oh. Okay..."

Awkward. How intimate.

I pulled the plug and made quick work of getting out and drying and dressing myself, leaving my hair pinned up. I grabbed all my dirty things and tidied up a little, taking my garbage with me. I'm a slob, but I've noticed that Joshua's house is relatively clean and I'm not comfortable leaving my mess around.

I brought my things to my bedroom, leaving my clothes in the hamper and throwing away the trash before coming back out to finally greet Joshua.

"You didn't have to get out, I was just wondering if you were back yet," he says sheepishly.

"No, I was getting out anyway..."

Why is this weird? It was less weird last night...

"So, can I see it?" He asks, glancing down at my foot. "Your new tattoo?" He adds when I look confused.

Oh. Right.

"Yeah. Right. Here," I say walking closer and lifting my foot so he can see better through the clear wrapping.

"It looks great, Princess," he says. "Here, sit down. I got you something and I was going to wait to give it to you, but I can't."

Two gifts in one day? What the hell is going on here?

Joshua steps through the door that leads to the garage before returning with a large case in his hand. A guitar case.

Thump thump thump thump

My wide eyes travel from the case to his grinning face as he strides toward me. I know my mouth is slightly ajar and I make an effort to close it and swallow. I feel a little light-headed.

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