Chapter 43

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A/N: Introducing Thomas Davenport as Joshua

Danny's POV

This place has to be right next to that hot guys with tattoos factory I've been talking about because it's fucking crawling with them.

Jack has taken me around and introduced me to several apparently "high profile" dudes, all of them either leaning against a hot car, surrounded by attractive women, or both. I'm getting really tired.

I'd rather be at Mac's with the guys right now. This feels like a huge waste of my time since I'm not even moving any product, but given what Jack has already told me about this crowd, I'm thinking they probably have some trust issues and need a little bit of work before they accept my hospitality.

I'm not a very hospitable type.

Jack seems different all of a sudden. He's harder. Colder. He can seem awfully friendly with one guy and then completely deadpan with the next. I'm taking it all in and making notes for future transactions.

I'm beginning to recognize that Jack has several masks, unlike many who only have one. I'm also beginning to recognize that that's what he meant when he said we have a lot in common.

I have several masks as well.

Jack is... charismatic. Everywhere we go, people are looking at him. He gives off an easygoing but powerful vibe. Like he belongs here and he knows that it's all his. It's not like the gym where Creed obviously holds the reigns. No. Here Jack is the boss and he knows it.

How in the world is Creed stupid enough to allow such a man to spend more time in his gym than he does?

I'm pretty sure that has something to do with Jack's ability to speak to people where they're at. To move them where he wants them to be. To make them think that what he wants is what they want. I'm beginning to feel like I'm surrounded by pawns. And that maybe I'm one of them.

This shit is too deep for me.

I have to keep reminding myself of that because this scene seems almost perfect for me. It suits my tastes pretty well. Most of these people remind me of the guys. My guys. I can't let myself get too comfortable here. That would make me vulnerable.

Jack isn't slowing down. He takes me from person to person, introducing me like a fucking VIP as his 'good friend' and most of them are looking at me with envy and admiration. The ones that don't are mostly angry females who are reluctant to give up the attention. Those ones look at me with disgust and hatred.

They're the least of my concerns.

Jack finally finishes with his long procession of introductions by presenting to me one last hot tattooed guy.

"This," he says, leading me forward with one hand on my lower back where it has been all night, "is my good friend Joshua."

Hm. That's different. All night I've been his good friend. Now it's this guy. Better pay attention.

 Better pay attention

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