Chapter 14

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Danny's POV


"Mmmfghgffmm...," I feel like my head is in a fucking vice. There's something on my legs and my right arm has fallen asleep because I'm laying on it weird. I crack an eye open but slam it back shut.

The fucking light... why is my curtain open?


"Danny, I swear to fuck, if you don't make that thing shut up I'm gonna fucking stab it." An angry, muffled voice declares.

Who the fuck!?

I sit straight up in bed, my head aching violently in protest, opening my eyes and squinting against the light, trying to take in my surroundings.

The whole night comes back to me in weird little flashes... or most of it, anyway. I think. Holy shit. I'm surrounded by hot shirtless men. I look at my attire, relieved to see that I'm fully dressed.

Sammy is laying across my legs, James sprawled out, face down on the bed next to mine, and Zeke is on the floor with a pillow on top of his face rather than under his head. There are beer cans all over the room. My head throbs again.


"Alright, that's it. Where the fuck is it?" Zeke flings the pillow off his face and hisses when the sunlight hits his eyes.

That's what you get for being so aggressive, ass wipe.

"I don't fucking know. If I did, I'd make it stop."

Ring ring ring

"Holy fuck, Dessy, you've been here a fucking week, who the fuck is blowing up your damn phone!?" James called out, mostly into the mattress.

I shoved Sammy off my legs- he
moaned in protest, but flopped to the side anyway- and stood up, too quickly apparently, because everything spun and I had to sit back down right away.

Ring ring ring

"What the fuck, dude!?"

"Shut the fuck up, Zeke, you're louder than the fucking phone!" I snapped as I stumbled in the direction of the noise.

"Fucking truth bomb," Sammy called out, rolling onto his back and laying an arm over his eyes.

Ring ring ri—

I finally find my phone on the floor next to the bathroom, along with my shoes, and answer it without checking to see who it is.

I have to make it stop.

"Hello?" I grumble into the phone.

"Danny? You okay?"

Cal. Shit. Fuck. Shit.

How am I expected to think right now!? I'm fairly certain I'm still a little drunk from the night before, my right arm is now waking up so it feels like I'm being stabbed by millions of angry little fairies, and my head is pounding like there's an army of orcs invading from the east.

Drums. Drums in the deep.

"Who the fuck is it- tell them to kiss my fucking ass!" Zeke calls out from his place on the floor. I quickly mute my phone and throw one of my shoes at him, telling him to shut up before scooting into the bathroom and shutting the door.

"Hello? Hello? Danny? Who the fuck was that?"

"Oh, hey, sorry about that..."

"Who was that, Danny? And why did you take so long to answer your phone?"

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