Chapter 10

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Danny's POV

As soon as Cal walked me into the cafe and found a table, I excused myself to the bathroom. I needed to secure an escape. I wanted to kick my own ass for letting it slip that I didn't have a car, resulting in him offering me a ride home. I was just tired from not getting enough sleep due to my dream last night and probably a little malnourished from eating only noodles for several days.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.

Then I actually let myself get excited about fucking driving lessons. I have to say, I've never been so deeply effected by a fucking pick up line before. Other than from Elijah, of course. But Elijah was just teasing and I knew it. I just thought if we could wait until I was older...

Not a good idea to dwell on that shit.

I can't fucking believe that I actually hoped for some driving lessons for a second. I highly doubted he'd follow through. He was obviously just stringing me along to get in my pants so he could move on to his next conquest. I couldn't let him manipulate me like that. Dangling the shit I want in my face like a damn carrot on a string. I just needed to keep stringing him along so I could get the fuck out of here.

I pulled out my phone and shot a text to James. Hopefully he could figure something out.

Danny: Dude. I'm stuck at Betty's Cafe with Cal. He's going to want to give me a ride home. Send haaalllppp!!!

Okay. Maybe a bit dramatic. But also necessary. To be honest, I kind of felt like James was partially to blame here. He's the one who introduced me to his thirsty friend. He should have known better than to introduce me to some sex crazed maniac.

I stepped back out of the bathroom and walked over to the table Cal had chosen. It was one of those little tables designed only for two people so it felt oddly intimate. I didn't like it. Even though we were across from each other we were still very close. His long legs dominated the area beneath the table and his forearms covered the top. Small as I was, I still had to shrink into myself to avoid any physical contact with him.

I picked up a menu and found myself in a bit of a conundrum. On the one hand, my character had never gone out to eat with anyone, though I'm sure that if she did she would order something small and maybe an ice cream cone. On the other hand, I had just spent the last four days isolated in a tiny apartment living off of instant noodle cups and I really wanted some actual food. I wanted meat and lots of it.

"Do you know what you're getting?" Cal asked, glancing up at me.

"Ummmm....," I furrowed my eyebrows a little, staring directly at what I wanted, but hesitating, trying to choose between my act and my stomach.

"Hey! I'm Sarah and I'll be your server today. Are you guys ready to order or do you need another second?" A pretty little brunette appeared next to our table, standing a bit too close to Cal, not that I minded.

Fuck it.

"I'd like the bacon double cheeseburger with pepper jack cheese, jalapeños, tomato, lettuce, and mayo, no ketchup or mustard, a medium chili cheese fry, and a large chocolate shake with whipped cream and a cherry, please," I rushed out sweetly like I was ordering a Caesar salad and a Diet Coke, smiling up at the flirty waitress like she was Mrs Santa Claus.

A second of silence. Two. Three. Finally Sarah blinked and started writing my order on her notepad. I looked at Cal, smiling expectantly and found him staring at me, mouth slightly ajar. He blinked once and then twice before shutting his mouth and discreetly clearing his throat. Sarah had finished writing my order down and smiled flirtatiously at him.

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