Chapter 3

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How am I going to tell them this ? They were not very fond of titus but he did raise them just as he did me, taught them right from wrong. Well he taught them what he believed was right. I can't lie to them, they are all far too smart to believe it.

I was protecting the leader of the thirteenth clan, they do know how important that is and they all know to honor it if they became Heda. Titus harmed her and put a threat on her life. He had to be stopped for the sake of the coalition, nothing more. They all knew he didn't approve of skaikru joining the coalition.

I'll just have to be honest, or as honest as I can be.

I'm greeted by Aden first then followed by Carla, Jack, Camren, Luke and Jada.

They all stand and wait patiently as I gather the words to tell them what needs to be said.

"Titus has been killed" I say to them without hesitancy.

They all have looks on their face that are quite hard to read but nonetheless I continue on.

"He caused harm to the leader of the thirteenth clan and put a threat on her life if she were to be killed that would affect the coalition."

"Did you kill him, Heda?" The youngest of the six, Luke asks.

"I had to do what was needed to protect our people Luke, someday you will understand."

"We understand Heda, besides none of us took a liking to titus anyways" Aden admits."

"Will we have a new caretaker?"

"Yes as well as a new fleimkepa, but that will be discussed later."

Now all of you go put your armor on and meet me at the training grounds.

"Yes Heda." They respond.


Octavia and Raven both motion me over to sit next to them.

"Why did you make me come eat? I'm not hungry anyways."

"Because we know some things up and since you never talk about anything concerning yourself we thought giving you food would help." Raven jokingly admits.

"Nothings up I just got shot in my shoulder at one of the meetings I had with the commander, that's all. You all should know that this is a big change for them so naturally, there will be some disagreements." I exclaim.

"Whatever you say princess" Octavia mocks.

I finish eating and head back to my room without another word to my friends.

As it gets later in the day my mom comes in a few times asking me to cover for her in medical and usually I do but today was different. My shoulder still hurt but it was just a bullet wound, nothing I couldn't dismiss. I just needed some time. I wanted a day to think, so that's what I gave myself.

But never again, if anything this coalition is a reason to do more. To show the people of the clans that we can bring something to this alliance.

Conflicting thoughts ran through my head for the rest of the evening, not allowing me to get my thoughts straight.

So I picked up a piece of charcoal and some paper and let my mind relax.

I began sketching some small buildings close together with thick trees surrounding it. Following this, I started to lightly etch the sides of a tall almost candle-like structure into the sheet. I then used the side of the charcoal to shade in the shadows of the buildings and trees along with the windows of this tower that I seemed to be sketching.

It reminded me faintly of polis, which didn't make much sense seeing as I only had time to look at the city at night. I must have seen a picture of it somewhere in the tower. The sketch was beautiful, definitely not one of my best but it was raw and honest. Polis being the capital city where the commander resides was definitely worthy of being so.

I started thinking about ways to get to her and talk things out but immediately shut those thoughts down, besides our relationship is merely nothing but an alliance. We have to act civil for our people. Nothing more.

Slowly I begin to drift off into an uneasy sleep dreaming of the beautiful image that is polis in my head.

I meet the nightblidas at the training grounds and get my staff ready as they are not yet ready for swords.

Aden pairs up with me first as the others gather to watch us, we get ready in our positions.

I take no time in striking, but he is quick to block my attack. Each move faster and quieter then the next with my staff being met with a strong block each time. He keeps his eyes on me and watches my moves carefully as I swing my staff over to him he ducks and spins to strike me, but his staff is met with mine.

"Good Aden. Again." I praise.

Pushing him back with force, he quickly counteracts my attack and spins striking my side as I was distracted.

He has a surprised look on his face yet proud, choosing to stay quiet to show respect.

I am not surprised Aden was the one to attack me, I am proud knowing he is improving. I decide to not let him know he is better than I was during my conclave.

"Nightblidas. Pair up en kigon granplei." I say as I see one of my guards coming in the distance.

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