Chapter 9

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It's very hard to calm the feeling down in my stomach as it hasn't stopped since we kissed, but I managed to walk Clarke to her room and get safely inside mine before I allowed myself to really think about what just happened. My heart calms from the just rapid pace it was at.

I decided to settle for the night in my bed and before I could, I noticed a letter addressed to Heda in dark bold letters. I started opening the letter and saw a picture sketched of the Polis Tower. Just by the look of the dark bold strokes and the way you could tell when the artist let emotion take over, I knew it was Clarke. Only a girl as amazing as her could've drawn such a thing. Calling one of my guards I asked him to get a picture frame and shortly after he returned with exactly that. It was a light stained wooden frame, small and delicate just like the drawing I so carefully placed inside and then finished by hanging it up by my bed. It made me unexplainably happy to know she was thinking of me and I of her, so I decided to go see her to thank her. Well that was the excuse that made sense In my head anyways.

Then I heard a knock at my door, going to open it I saw blonde hair and blue eyes looking back at me filled with hope and sorrow. Moving over to invite her in I took her hand leading her to my couch and embraced her in a tight hug which she gratefully returned. We sat in quiet silence for quite some time until she spoke.

"I see you got my letter." She playfully says.

"Yes, it is quite beautiful. Thank you Clarke."

"I missed you Lexa." She murmured. "I really really really missed you."

And just like that my heart began to beat rapidly. Making it harder to form a thought in my head.

Kissing her forehead I mumble. "As did I Clarke, more than you will ever know. You're safe here Clarke, no harm will come to you with me."

"I'm not worried about that Lexa, I trust you. What happened wasn't your fault and you couldn't have prevented it. I know how sorry you are and how much you wish you could've stopped it but it already happened and it's over now. I feel safe here with you."

"Clarke, I.. I'm sorry." I say as tears begin forming in my eyes.

"I know, I know and I understand."

She wipes away the tears from my eyes and begins questioning me about the new fleimkepa as well as the nightblidas.

I tell her that Luna kom Floukru is here and that I've asked her to take over as Fleimkepa as well as the nightblidas caretaker. Remembering the things I'd told her about my conclave and how Luna fled she questions how the people will feel but I assure her no one should have a problem with her since the nightblidas already love her.

"She will give me her answer tonight and I was wondering if you'd like to come and train with the nightblidas and me tomorrow?"

"Train with them?"

"I'll be training you of course, but i'd like you to be there to get to know the nightblidas more. I'm sure they'll love you."

"That sounds perfect." She says with a smile.

Clarke walked over to my bed and gestured for me to follow, we got comfortable under the furs and she turned towards me brushing a strand of hair from my face. "You're beautiful Lexa, every part of you."

I cuddled closer and smiled as we drifted off into a much needed sleep in each other's arms.

Please feel free to let me know what you think and leave any suggestions you might have! Thank you for reading!

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