Chapter 4

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"Heda." He calls with a slight bow of his head.

"Sha?" I reply.
"Na Ai start search gon brana fleimkepa?" He questions me if he can start the search for a new fleimkepa.

"That won't be needed I already have one in mind that I will train myself, as well as a new caretaker for the nightblidas. Please send patrols out for Luna, however many it takes to find her. Bring her back unharmed."

The guard stares down with a puzzled look but chooses not to express his thoughts on the matter which I might add is a wise choice.

"Sha Heda"

By now the sun begins to set so I call all the nightblidas in and head back towards the tower.


Clarke, Clarke, Cla-
Looking around hastily searching around my room for where the call had come from I begin to worry as my searching proves useless. Turning I see dark green eyes stare into mine with a new found sadness embedded deep within them. It all happened too quickly, I hadn't heard the bang of the bullet leaving the gun being too distracted by the sorrow in her eyes. Slowly I see dark black blood dripping down her clothes and-

Without hesitation, I shoot up from my bed breathing heavily while rubbing the sleep and tears from my eyes.

I turn to see my mom with a worried look on her face pacing back and forth in my room.

"Clarke they're here" She declares.

I begin to remember where I am.

That's right, Bellamy was supposed to be teaching the grounders some things like how to use firearms and Raven was supposed to teach them how to make working lights. As I recall the details in my head my mom grows impatient.

"Clarke, you're the one dealing with this. I want nothing to do with them. Besides they seem to like you."

Before I can blurt out my thoughts I drag myself out of bed, grab my jacket, and push any current worries to the back of my head for later.

My mom isn't very fond of the grounders but they themselves don't seem to mind much or, at least they don't show it. Other than calling me the "Skai prisa" which I don't really like seeing as it's meant as an insult, I wouldn't dare tell Lexa for risk of her punishing them and making people suspicious of our relationship.

I continue to head out of the Ark. I see Bellamy and Raven heading over to the group of about 40 grounders to get started.

They each ask who is interested in learning what and then proceed to group them by what's being taught first. Bellamy is up first, he shows them how to properly handle a gun, check if the safety is on or off and how to reload it. Raven then proceeds to set up targets for shooting practice.

Bellamy walks a few feet away from the targets Raven had placed and begins to check his stance, with his dominant foot slightly in front of the other calling out what he's doing as he does it, he begins to point the gun towards the target and shoots, making it directly in the center.

I walk over and sit on a nearby rock watching over the lessons.

Raven notices and begins to teach her group with some kind of contraption she made. All I know of what she's doing is flicking a switch up and down showing that it doesn't work, then she fiddles with it a bit more with some tools showing how she fixed it.

It seems to be working as the grounders all nod in understanding or speak up when need be.

My head starts to wander as I think over the dream I had this morning.
It could've been her, she could've been shot. She would've been gone and I wouldn't have been able to stop it. Dark green eyes once filled with beauty would be filled with death.

I can't tell her how much I worry, she will never allow me near her assuming she blames herself for my pain.

I just need to know she's okay, that she stops and takes a break once in a while, but knowing her every second of every day is filled with constant thinking, planning, and distractions in an attempt to forget the worries in her head.

Remembering the picture I sketched the other day of the beautiful city of polis, I decided to send one of the couriers back with the image I so carefully drew. With nothing more than Heda etched in bold letters. Someone needs to care for her if she won't do it herself.


Making sure the nightblidas were all in their room, I decided against dinner and retired for the night in my room.

All my duties were tended to for the day, so I began taking off my armor and settling into bed.

Trying to clear my head of the day's worries I carefully undo the tight braids in my hair while brushing my hand through the knots left over. I grab one of the furs on my bed and pull it up over my shoulders as I feel my eyelids get heavy.

The second I close them, bright blue eyes stare back at me filled with pain. My dreams are constantly filled with her, usually I don't mind that at all. But this, this is something I hate myself for. I hate myself for not keeping her safe.

For letting the one thing happen to her that I promised myself wouldn't.

She's safer away from me, where no harm comes to her because of me.

Hey guys! If you didn't know my name, it's Lianna! Thank you to everyone following this fanfic so far, also I don't know if you can tell the difference between the pov's so let me know if you can & if not i'll fix that! Also let me know what you think so far!! I'm really excited to continue this! Thank you so much for the support!

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