Chapter 14

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I reach over and grab Lexa's hand because this is more unusual to her then it is me. I try making sense of it all before I speak but all that I can think of is, how? I look around at everyone's tired faces and they all look exhausted.

Who's hope? Who were those people? I don't understand any of this. We couldn't have been dead. It hasn't been real? Where have we been then?

I assume Raven sees the look on my face because she starts to try explaining everything.

"So basically you guys died, or so we thought. Jaha came back from the desert clan talking all "City of light this and City of light that" so I took the chip and altered it to a way we could use it to download your thoughts and emotions and it basically fuses with your mind and so all we had to do is take the bullets out and you were fine."

"Well that explains- Wait we have chips in us?"

"Yes in the backs of your necks, pay attention Clarke." Raven says. "Now as for how you got back here so some things happened and a nuclear fire killed the earth for a bit and we all left and hid in a bunker or in space again and then a prisoner ship called Eligius came down, we met this person named Diyoza, she tried to kill us but then she disappeared and had a baby and that baby's name is hope and she came to help us because she knows Octavia."

I look at Lexa to see if she got all that but she's just as confused as I am. But it's not all that crazy. I mean I never thought i'd ever get to set foot on Earth so everything after that is all a blur.

"Okay, so what's happened since we left?."

"I just told you!"

"Oh that's right, okay great. Well if you don't mind can you let us have some time to process this?"

"Oh yeah, you probably need that."

Everyone walks out of the room and my mom shuts the door behind them.

Lexa looks terrified the second they leave the room and I pull her in for a hug and she starts to cry into my shoulder.

"Shh shh it's okay, I'm here. You're not alone."

She pulls herself upright, looks into my eyes and places her hands on my cheeks to make sure I'm there with her. I lean in and kiss her, using it to reassure her that I'm here and that this is real.

Okay okay I know it gets confusing here but just bare with me, this is my first book but the next one will be better! Thank you to the people who have stuck around for this long and enjoy the last few chapters !

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