Part 3

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Part 3

~ Still in flashback Adrien's POV ~

As I transformed I felt like something was going to happen. Something big was going to happen. The rain continued to pour over me and it made it a bit harder for me to see her shapeless form or whatever I should call it.

"Pathetic. You think you can out beat me, kitty?" She teased as her amber eyes glared at me. Those were her only remotely remarkable features that she had. She was something far eviler than anything I had even imagined existed. I tried hitting her form with my bo staff but it went straight through her particles or whatever she was made of. Suddenly she struck me in my gut again. It hurt a lot and my suit is supposed to absorb damage but I guess she is just too strong. I need to find Ladybug.

"A real man doesn't leave a fight!" The voice boomed as I fled the scene to hopefully find Ladybug. Well, a real man protects who he loves, and don't worry I'm nowhere near done fighting.

"Ladybug! Ladybug where are you!" I yelled across Paris hoping to see her. I suddenly heard screams from behind me. There were even more villains than I had thought there were. All across Paris, the innocent were fleeing and crying for help. This was the first time I had ever felt completely helpless. There is no way I can save them all... I- I'm useless...

"Chat Noir!" A voice said from somewhere near below. I went down to investigate and saw Master Fu.

"Master Fu, what are you doing out here? You need to get to safety. I-"

"Chat Noir. You need to bring these miraculous to Alya and Nino right this instant. No questions now go! They can help you save the other citizens" He said in a stern tone.

"Ok master," I replied before jumping off to search for them.

"Good Luck Chat Noir." Master Fu said under his breath.

I guess Alya and Nino are Rena Rouge and Carapace. Huh. I never would have thought that my friends would be superheroes like me. I searched the Paris skyline for what felt like ages and I called Ladybug but she did not pick up. I suddenly saw a glimpse of pink and realized it must have been Marinette, and she must have been with Alya and Nino! I swept down to greet them and give them their miraculous.

"Chat Noir!" Marinette yelled and she seemed very frightened.

"Are you okay you three?" I asked and they all nodded their heads. "Okay Alya and Nino, you know what to do. Please take these miraculous and help me in saving the citizens of Paris>"

"Of course we will!" Alya said before she and Nino transformed and left to help out.

"Now Marinette, I need to get you to safety," I said sternly.

"I don't think that will be necessary Chat Noir," she replied. "It looks like we've got company."

I turned around to see that dark figure once more.
"Oh hey, kitty! I see you found your lovebug. Couldn't save the day on your own, could you? What a shame," she said with a sinister smile that started to appear out of her blurry face.

"Wait. What does she mean Marinette? You aren't Ladybu-" I started.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but only I can call him kitty," Marinette said. "Tikki spots on!"

Am I dreaming? Marinette is Ladybug... the girl I have loved all this time was right beside me. Wake up Adrien you have more important matters at this time.

Before I knew it, Ladybug was already going at this beast with her yo-yo. Damn, she really is perfect. We put up a good fight for a while but Ladybug took a bad blow to the gut just as I did but much worse. She was bleeding and she fell from quite a height. All I could see was her motionless body on the wet pavement.

"NO. How could you?!" I yelled. My voice strained from the cold weather and my exhaustion combined.

"Lovebug is down!" the monster exclaimed. I ran over to pick Ladybug up and to take her to safety. "You kids are no match for me!" she continued. I simply tried to ignore her because my number one priority was to save Marinette.

"Cherish her now lover boy, because soon you won't be able to. I am going to flip your world upside down. You won't even remember what hit you and that is when we will win forever!" She said in a boom. I couldn't even look back. I needed to save her.

I found an ally to rest in and Marinette detransformed in my arms. I put her head on my chest and embraced her as the rain fell upon us.

To be continued...

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