Part 12

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Marinette POV:

It was getting darker and darker, and before I knew it, it was ten o'clock. I am supposed to meet Chat on the balcony in an hour at eleven o'clock.

"Tikki, I just wish that I could tell him... I want to tell Adrien that we can fight this together and turn things to the way they were. Do you think I should tell him the truth?"

No response.

"Oh god yeah, I forgot that you weren't there," I chuckled to myself.

I missed Tikki so much. She was always my companion that was with me through everything... she would always help me make the right decision. I think I am going to tell Adrien... we need to fix this before the balance in power is achieved by the villains.

"Hey Ladybug..." a familiar raspy voice whispered into my ear.

"Not you again," I said while rolling my eyes. "Are you going to try to hurt me or something? I didn't do anything out of line."

"I will not hurt you because my master told me not to unless you provoke me to do otherwise... want to listen to what I have to say little beetle?" She said in an angered tone.

"Yes... I want to hear what you have to say."

"Ah, you're finally cooperating. Anyways, I don't think it's such a great idea to go telling the cat about anything from your past."

"Why not? It is my duty as the Ladybug miraculous holder to revert things to how they should be!"

"But things won't be the same even if you happened to defeat me you know."

"What do you mean they won't be the same? Of course, they will... we will just be reverted to where we were right before your blast."

"But that, my dear is where you are wrong. The likelihood of you ever defeating us is very small, to begin with, but I don't think you will like the outcome of your little romance story."

"Spit it out already."

"You will be reverted to the day that you first got your miraculous. This also means that you and your precious little kitty still don't even know each other. All of your memories and the villains you have defeated have never even happened. You won't remember that you were a hero."

"That can't be true... it can't be."

"Oh but it is," She laughed hysterically which left a ring through my ears. "So think about what you want to do before we end you all in a week! Ciao!"

I froze. I wouldn't remember Adrien and he wouldn't remember me... I would have to relive the same amazing moments of my life without even knowing that I am reliving them...things could also turn out differently than they did before... I can't be selfish. I need to do what is right no matter the costs. I need to tell Adrien. A tear rolled down my cheek as I put my face into the palms of my hands.

Adrien's POV

"Plagg, I need to do what is right. Despite my terrible life when we go back, I cannot let my selfishness take over me."

"I am proud of you Adrien," Plagg said.

"Thanks, Plagg. Now, Plagg Claws Out!"

I left my balcony and lept onto Marinette's balcony. It was eleven o'clock on the dot and Marinette had just come out of her room.

"What brings you here again mysterious cat boy?" She said laughing. "Could you not get enough of me last time?" I started to blush involuntarily.

"Haha... um well yes that and I need to talk to you about something that is very important," I said in a more serious tone.

"I actually needed to tell you something too, but you go first." She said.

"Okay..." I fidgeted with her miraculous box and pulled it out and opened it to reveal Tikki.

"Oh my gosh, Tikki!" Marinette said excitedly and they embraced. "I've missed you so much!" I stood there in shock.

" do you know who she is Marinette?" I asked.

"Um... how did you know I was Ladybug?" She asked me.

We had come to the same realization.

To be continued...

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