Part 17

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Part 17

Marinette's POV

I tried to make the kiss a peck but before I knew it I saw a flash in the corner of my eye. I pulled back and saw Alya and Chloe taking pictures of Luka and I mid-kiss.

"Hey. is everything alright?" Luka asked.

"Yeah, I replied, it's just that they were taking a photo of us haha," I said trying to laugh it off. I really hope they don't post that anywhere that Adrien may see it.

"Oh okay," Luka said, "Let's go inside before we both catch colds"

He took my hand into him and it was very warm as he lead me inside.

"You look really cute with your hair all wet Marinette," He said as he glanced back at me.

"Thanks, Luka," I said putting the hair behind my ear as I blushed.

We walked into the bakery.

"Girl! That was the cutest thing I have ever seen!" Alya said to me practically jumping up and down.

"Yeah, Marinette you two are so adorable!" Chloe said.

This sure was an awkward situation that I really wanted to get out of. All of a sudden, the door to the bakery opened. If the little bell hadn't rung, you may not have even noticed someone else entered cause it was a bit packed. But I noticed. The person who walked in was Kagami. She still looked the same but this was the first time I had really seen her in this world. Her aura was much more peaceful than the last time I had seen her. I didn't even notice that she was walking up to me until she was already in front of my face.

"Hey, uh, Marinette," Kagami said.

"Oh, hey Kagami," I said and smiled. This was awkward considering how Adrien fell in love with her in the other world.

"How do you know my name?" Kagami asked confused.

Know her name? Have we never met before? How do I play this off?

"Well, I- uh have s-seen you around!" I started. "And I found out your name," I said and nodded.

"Wow, no one ever has noticed a new girl like me," She started. "I usually just get overlooked," she said with a smile.

"No problemo!" I said. "Did you have a question?"

"Yeah..."She started. "I actually was wondering if I could possibly ask your bro- stepbrother, to go to the prom with me. He seems really nice and I think it would be fun, I have never gone to a school dance before."

Not gonna lie. I was shocked at her question but I had absolutely no reason to say no to her... we have to play our part anyways.

"Of course, I can get you connected with him or at least try to," I replied.

I gave Kagami his number and I walked home after the rain had cleared up with 4 dozen boxes of pastries... a lot of croissants. I got home and Adrien wasn't acting like himself.

"Are you okay? You aren't mad cause I left you in the rai-" I started. He showed me a picture of me and Luka kissing. The caption said "lovebirds". "Adrien, you know we have to play our parts, he pulled me in and a backed out as soon as I could bel-"

"I know but it is still really hard, I am going to go to bed," he said. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I replied.

I didn't like seeing him all sad. Yes, this situation is annoying but he can't act this way...

It was the next day and after school, Adrien and I decided to go back to Master Fu's house to talk about our plans more. We got to his house and knocked. No answer.

"That's weird, he probably doesn't have a client or anything," I started.

"He told us to come back today, it's weird that he isn't even here..." Adrien started. "Plagg, can you go in and check?"

"Yeah," Plagg replied as he flew out of Adrien's pocket through the door.

We waited for a bit in silence. It was still a bit awkward from the moments before but we were managing. Plagg had come back with a worried look on his face.

"What's the wrong Plagg?" I asked.

"He's gone," Plagg started. "Everything is missing even the miraculous box."

This was not good... the only thing I could think of that would cause this is that shadow lady. She must have done something to Master Fu... we need all the miraculous to be safely in the hands of the guardian, not missing with him... this is bad.

I suddenly felt a cloud of darkness in my lungs, it was like I inhaled a bunch of smoke or something but darker and more deadly. My body started to feel numb. I tried to look at Adrien but before I could my vision blacked out.

To be continued...

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