Part 6

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Part 6

"Remember that this spell could be time-sensitive Adrien. You must work fast to try and revert this all. You got it?" Alix asked me.

"Yes. I will do anything." I replied with fake confidence.

Everything seemed impossible. The only way I would be able to reverse this spell is to convince Marinette that she was Ladybug in a different life. But the idea is so far fetched it doesn't even make sense to anyone. If anyone told me I was living in an alternate dimension I surely wouldn't believe them.

I've been in this dimension for about half of a month now. I am still trying to adjust to this new life and Alix and I are trying to connect through her portals to try to make a plan.

~ A school morning~

"Adrien come down for your breakfast!" My mother said as I rolled out of bed to go to school. My mom was Sabine Dupain-Chang to me, but she is Sabine Agreste in this life. I put on my shirt and I tie my laces and run down the stairs. It is nice having a mother figure around. It gave me a warm sensation that I haven't felt in a while. I quickly grabbed the croissant. It was nice to eat like a normal human in this world since I wasn't considered a famous model here.

"Ah, there you are!" Sabine pulls me in for a hug. "Now hurry Marinette is waiting for you on the porch. Your father had to work early today but he will be back with us later."

"Okay! Bye!" I said. It still would feel weird to call her my mom.

I walked out of the door and Marinette was waiting for me. We walk to school together every day. It's nice because I can still get to know so much more about her. She still loved sewing and baking. She is still the same sweet girl as before but just she doesn't know shes Ladybug and she can actually speak to me without fainting.

"C'mon slowpoke we're going to be late!" She said jokingly as she started to run.

"I'm coming Mari!" I replied starting to run to catch up to her. "Is this a race?"

"Oh, you know it!" She said laughing and still ahead of me.

"It is ON."

Before we knew it we were at school. We were both winded and our classmates all looked at us like we were crazy - they weren't wrong.

"I won!" I say to Marinette.

"It won't happen again." She said and gave me an evil glare. Women are terrifying. She then laughed. "Dang was my face that scary Adrien? I- HAHA!"

I kinda just stood there momentarily. As wrong as it was, I couldn't help but think about how beautiful she was. Her laugh and every little thing. She is perfect.

"Hey princess!" A voice said from behind me clearly talking to Marinette.

Princess was my name for her... It was Luka. He went by her and hugged her from behind.

"Hey, Luka!" Marinette said as she brought his hands closer to her waist and pulled him closer. Jealousy filled up inside me but I knew I had to keep myself in line.

"Adrien, I had a question for you." Luka started.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to be a part of my band? I hear you can kill the piano keys, so a keyboard won't be much different!" He asked excitedly.

"Sounds cool but I'll have to think about it. I-" The bell rang as a reminder to get to class. "I'll see you around!" I said as I walked to my class and they walked away. Everyone called them the two lovebirds and it was obvious why. Luka was such a good guy it would be criminal to hate him. This all just made me even more aggravated.

The school day passed and I came home with Marinette and everything was as usual for right now. I said hi to my dad who was surprisingly kinder in this world as opposed to the other one where he is cold and distant. It was nice to see the old side of him even if I knew it wasn't real.

I went to my room to work on my homework but I couldn't stop thinking about how I needed to change this fast but I had gotten nowhere.

"What if you talked to her as Chat Noir?" Plagg said randomly.

"I mean you have a point... but would that be weird?" I asked in response.

"For all Marinette knows, you would just be a new figure in her life. I think this is the only way to talk to her Adrien."

"True," Plagg was right. For once that chamenbert loving beast had a good idea.

Time passed and nightfall had already come and the stars were glistening. Marinette was sure to be outside right now. Now all I had to do was meet her on her balcony.

"Claws out!"

To be continued...

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