Part 18

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Part 18

Adrien's POV

The room was dark. I could barely see my feet. I looked around and the only thing I could see was a window. A circular window with beautiful butterfly-like designs. The light of the moon shun through this window and I could see the dust particles floating in the air. It was night time, so I must have been out for a couple of hours. I felt the rope against my wrists rubbing on my skin. It was tied tight. I tried to move but I also noticed that my ankles were tied together. My memory of what had just happened was still foggy, but I tried to remember what I could.

I was looking for Master Fu with Marinette... wait. Where's Marinette?!

"Marinette," I whispered. "Are you in here?"

It was silent. I felt another presence in the room but I could not tell where it was... I tried to move my fingers around but I noticed that my ring was gone. Plagg probably isn't near me...

I heard the smallest cough from across the room.

"Who's there?" I asked using all the courage I had.

"I guess I should introduce myself," a smooth and deep voice said as I heard steps walking towards me. He stepped into the light and all I could see was his silhouette. He wore a dark suit and a fedora-like hat and used a cane despite seeming quite young to need one. He was tall and his hair was similar to my length but pitch black. He turned so his face was in the moonlight and he closed his eyes as he embraced it. Everything about him gave me chills that just didn't go away. He opened his eyes and looked to the moon. His eyes were red. A frightening bright red that was anything but natural. He walked so close to me at the slowest pace. It felt like an eternity until his red eyes were only inches away from mine.

"I'm Death," he said with a grin that was ear to ear and easily the creepiest thing I have ever seen.

He put the tip of his finger under my chin and lifted it a bit. I could feel his nail digging into the skin under my chin.

"Are you not going to introduce yourself Adrien Agreste? How rude," he said as he moved his finger slicing the tip of my chin.

"I have heard about you... from master Fu," I said and I gulped.

"Awe, what a shame," he said as he laughed.

"What did you do to him?" I demanded.

"It's in my name Adrien," he replied cold-heartedly.

Did he kill Master Fu? I was shaking and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Where am I and what do you want from me?"

"Awe I thought Darkness told you... awe I guess I have to," he paused as he walked over to press a button. "This is Hawk Moth's lair, also known as your father's lair."

As he spoke, dozens of white butterflies filled the room. As they passed through the moonlight their wings seemed to give a little glow. They were so simple and delicate and they were exactly what Marinette released after every captured Akuma.

"I thought that was a lie... it can't be true, my father would never do something like that..."

"But it is... would I lie to you?" he asked with that disgusting grin again. Even though I didn't want to believe it, something in my gut told me that he was telling the truth. I was broken.

"If you don't want to take my word for it, then take them from your father himself!" Death exclaimed.

To be continued...

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