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"Miss Johnson, it's time to go." My caseworker said.

"To anotha fuckin home." I said, sassy.

"Watch your mouth young lady, please give this one a chance." She says, like always.

"It just depends Jay'Manie. It just depends." I said, getting into the car.

It was about a thirty minute drive to my new muthafuckin foster home. My third one. I acted out my last two, they ain want me no mo. Jus like my damn parents. Shouldn't fuck wit out a rubber if you can't handle the child. Period.

"We're here." Jay'manie sang. 

"What the fuck ever."

"Please Kai'Lonie." She mumbled as she rang the doorbell.

They had a somewhat boojie house. A woman with stiff ass weave open the door with a man walkin up behind her.

"Hi, you must be Kai'lonie!" She said all cheerful.

"Must be." Jay'manie slapped my arm and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm Nickolas and this is my wife Leahanne." Both black as the night, but got some white ass names.

"Hi." I said, with a fake smile. "Are you gonna let me in?"

"Oh I'm so sorry, please come on in." Nickolas said as he moved.

I walked in and started looking around.

"Die nigga die. Ain nobody say he can pop outta nowhere." I heard some one yell.

"Kentrell, do not use that word." Leahanne said.

"Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, and nigga!" He screamed, coming out into the area we were in.

"Kentrell, please, this is Kai'lonie, she is a new part of our family." Nickolas said.

"Yea she fine too. We not blood related." Kentrell pointed out.

"Get the fuck out my face boy." I said. He mugged me.

"Kai'lonie, we don't use that language in this house. Kentrell please show her to her room." Leahanne  said.

"Kai'lonie, please be good." My caseworker said as she left and Kentrell took me upstairs.

"So this is your room. I live in the room directly down the hall so if you ever need anything, or wanna fuck, you know where I'm at. We start school Tuesday, don't worry you can pretend you my bitch so nobody fw you." He said.

"First off, I'm not no ones bitch. second off i can handle my own. third off, you prolly got a hunderd std's if you act like that over everything wit a pussy, so once again gtf out my face." I said. 

What happened next I did not expect. 

I was pinned wit Kentrell's hand round my throat.

A bitch was slightly affected by that.

"I know you sour bout the whole fuckin situation, but you is not gon disrespect me. so now what i want you to do is apologize and call me daddy."

"Fuck you." I said and he tightend his grip.

"What hoe?"

"Fuck you." I repeated, I was liking this.

He put his mouth on my neck and started breathin, and pinned his shit up against me.

Kinda wet.

Can you let me settle in first bro.


"Daddy." I moaned out.

"You gon fall out over a big ass dick. You was doin good, I ain think I was gon getchu." He said, as he was finna walk out my room.

"No manhoe you finna finish what you started." I said, and he rubbed his hands together, threw my on my bed, beginning to eat me out. Nigga had some nice tongue game.

I was tryna not to moan out but it was hard cuz that shit felt amazing. I was getting close to cummin thats how good he be. He pulled his massively large dick out his pants and entered me.

"Is you in? I can't feel nun." I lied.

"Whatcu mean you can't feel nun. I know you feel this." He said, ramming me into the headboard.

"Nigga I can't feel shit." I said, lying again.

He started thrusting faster and harder. Shit felt good.

"Thank you." I said.

"Bitch the fuck." He said, as he started choking me.

"Fuck me harder."  I said.

And he did. 

We came, but he pulled out.

What a nice welcoming.

My temporary situation // nba youngboyWhere stories live. Discover now