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"Children! We gotta talk." House bitch screamed.

"Shut the fuck up! We tryna sleep!" Kentrell yelled.

"Why is you in my fuckin bed?" I asked.

"You asked me to dick you down last night. So I did." he laughed.

"Gawt damn you nigga, couldn't you tell I was shit faced?" 

"Get down here!" The other house bitch yelled.

"Oh my fucking lord. What can be so fucking important?"

Kentrell got up and put his pants back on and threw his shirt at me. I just put it on with nun underneath. We went downstairs.

"Sit down." They demanded. We listened.

"We understand that y'all is teenagers with hormones. But y'all can not come in PAST curfew and start having sex and 3 a.m. its not okay. I do not want to here you screaming "fuck me harder daddy" no more. Understand?" Ms. House Bitch said.

I started laughing my ass off.

"Stop fuckin listening." I said.

"Okay, we'll be quiet." Kentrell laughed.

"No. It can not happen. If it happens again, we will be forced to move one of you guys." Mr. House Bitch said.

"Okay." I said.

"Now, we are leaving to go to Florida on a business trip. We will be gone for 3 days. Please don't do anything dumb." they said as they walked out the door.

"Eat me out." I said.

"Whats in it for me?" Kentrell asked.

"I'll ride you?" 


"You know you'd do it even if I didn't offer." I said, smirking.

"Yeah, cuz ya pussy fuckin delisious." He said, as he suck his face under my shirt.

He started doing figure 8's around my clit and lemme tell you a bitch was loud as fuck. I was moaning and he was humming on me making shit worse. 

"Nigga I'm bout to cum!" I moaned.

"Who I am?" Kentrell mumbled.

"Daddy!" I moaned.

"Who I am?" He mumbled.

"DADDY MUTHAFUCKA!" I moaned as I reached my climax.

"Didja?" He asked, I nodded and he slurped my juices.

"Ya tounge magical." I said.

"Ass up, face down." he demand. I obey and start twerking before he slammed himself into me.

"Damn."  I scream in pleasure and more profanities came out both our mouths. 

"Oh shit, y'all nigga be like that huh?" We heard but we ain't stop, we went til Kentrell pulled out and did his shit on my back. He used his shirt to wipe it off.

"Yall nasty." Baby Joe laughed.

"How we nasty but y'all sat and watched?" I ask and they got quiet. I smacked my lips. "What I thought." 

"What we boutta do today?" Kd asked.

"Do it really be important?" I ask.

"I mean we can sit hea or we can go FUCK wit ppl." Boomer said.

"Les do what Boom Box said." I chimed in.

"Hush bitch the adults are talking." Kd said.

"Then why you included?" I asked and Ben started laughing.

We left the house and went to walmart. As soon as we got in the store people looked at us funny. Kd went over and got a motorized cart.

"Wanna race?" I  smirk as I sit on it.

"Yas queen." He said and took off.

"That cheating." I said laughing. I look behind me to see the other monkeys I brought sword fighting with pool noodles. As I was going down an aisle I stuck my arm out and started knocking Shit of the the shelf. 

"I win." I say as I pull out in front of Kd.

"You cheated." He pout.

"Who you lookin at?" I heard kentrell snap. I picked up a box of mac and cheese  and threw it at his head.

"You probably just put another dent in." Kd said making me laugh. Kentrell picked up a jar of sauce and chucked iT at my head, causing me to duck and the jar to shatter.

"Will the large group of kids growing up without any home trainin please leave the store so we civilized people can shop in peace?" The PA sounded.

"No!" We all yelled.

"If you do not leave in the next 30 seconds we will have to call the police." The PA said.

"Oh no, we don't fucks wit 12. We gotta go." Three said and we all ran out the store.

My temporary situation // nba youngboyWhere stories live. Discover now