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"Welcome back K'lonie." My teacher said and I just did a head nod.

"Yo." Miaya said and I went and sat wit her.

"So did you and YB break up?" She asked.

"Why does eryone call him det, his name Kentrell." I said.

"He telling ppl to call him det, fa when he big." She said and I nodded.

"Na we ain't break up but we did get into it pretty good." I said and she bit her inner lip.

"Wanna talk bout it?" She asked.

"I mean we got into it fa the obvious of course bout that hoe, but then we was good and we fucked and shit, but then we was talm bout if we want kids and shii and he was talm bout how he wanna army of em and I say not by me and he was talm bout how you know we gon go together that long or sum shii like det." I said, summing it up.

"I mean, how do you know yall gon rock that way fa that long?" She asked, sounding genuinely interested.

"Becuh like I feel like we at det age where we not posta be playin games no mo." I said and she nodded.

"I feel yuu on det one." She said and I nodded, twisting my lips. "He been hurt, like seriously hurt, he'on know how ta love. So be patient wit him." I nodded and focused on this damn teacher talm bout some old boring guy in histary.


"Lonie." I heard sum1 yell.

"Whatchu want?" I yelled back, looking in the different directions tryna find da person who called out.

"Come sit wit us." It was Kd. I rolled my eyes and continued walking towards the basketball team. I slammed my tray down on the table.

"I wanna try out." I said and they laughed at me.

"Sorry, we don't except late fees." one girl said.

"Bitch lemme try out."

"Do you kiss ya mama wit det mouth?" Another asked.

"No Jamie, she ain gotta mommy." The original one said and they all started laughing and calling me shit. I picked up my tray and hit her over the head wit it and he face fell into her food. I went over to her side of da table and picked her up by her extremely high ponytail and slammed her head into the table about five times. I looked at her and she definitely had a broken nose. The cafeteria got quiet.

"Lonie stop, she not worth it." Someone said as I was being pulled away. "Les just go home."

"Kentrell get the fuck off me. I can walk on my own." I snapped.

"Stop bein like det." He said and I squirmed out of his grip.

"GO FIND SOME OTHER BITCHES HEAD TA FUCK WIT. LEAVE ME DA HELL ALONE!" I yelled and ran off crying. I heard the gang calling after me and shii but I just kept running. I was running til my legs gave out and I just fell onto a bench.

"K'lonie?" I heard someone say.

"What the hell do yuu want?" I asked. I snapped my head up to see my mufuckin case worker.

"Are you okay pretty mama?" She asked.

"No Jai, I'm not. I'm so tired of bein hea. I wanna go find my granny, i bet she'd want me na that im grown." I said.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Kentrells a dick, Nikolas gets on my nerves and Leighanne is just fake as fuck. All these school bitches know bout my pas and dey make funna me fa it and I just can't stand it, i done beat two bitches ass to a fuckin bloody pulp becuh they wanna talk on some sideways shit." I said and she nodded.

"You really wanna leave the Rouge?" She asked and I nodded.

"This ain't my home, I wanna go back to ATL." I cried.

"Well then les go. We can try ya granny." Jai said and I smiled, we went back to the house fa me ta pack my shit and get.

"Whea yuu goin?" Kentrell asked as he entered my room.

"ATL." I said not payin him any mind.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Yup." I said, popping the p.


"What is you, feds? Quit askin so many damn questions." I snapped.


"Cuh its called my temporary situation  fa a reason, its not posta last faheva." I said.

"So yuu just gon leave me like det."

"Yuu'on want me, I'm just a recent, I ain yo faheva. I'm goin to my granny in ATL, when you getchyo shit tagether maybe we can try again, but fa now, I'm done wit you, I'm done wit house bitches one and two, I'm done wit school and I'm done wit dis Nawf." I said and he nodded.

"Well bye." He said and he opened his arms fa a hug. I accepted.

"Bye Kentrell." I said and he let go and I walked downstairs and left.

My temporary situation // nba youngboyWhere stories live. Discover now