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"Lonie, you must not be so hard on yourself, your not even an adult and you have been through more than the average adult will ever go through." My therapist said. I nodded.

"So, the fact that I beat her to a bloody pulp is normal?" I asked.

"I wouldn't put it in terms like that, but yes it is normal for a child to defend themselves when threatened, especially a child with special circumstances such as yourself." She said.

"Thank you Miss Rocker. It settles my nerves as bit." I said.

"What I advise you to do is steer clear of  her, and if she approaches you to apologize, then if you feel up to it, do the same. Okay." She said and I nodded, getting up because our session was over. "And if anyone sayssays anything to you about your mom, dad, or situation, I want you to pinch the skin in between your thumb and index finger and breath, it will trigger the brain." 

"Okay." I said and we walked out the office, Kentrell was waiting for me outside in his new car. We exchanged goodbyes and I stole a handful of the office candies. 

"Hey baby." Kentrell said as I got in the car, kissing my cheek.

"Hi." I said.

"Was the session good?" He asked, pulling out the parking lot.

"Yeah, but I was expecting her to say something is wrong with me but she didn't. She told me it's normal for a child of my situation to be angry and lash out at times, even to the extreme I went the other night." I explained.

"I toldja there was nothing wrong witchya baby guh. You up fa a party?"

"Na, I wanna go home and sleep, but you can go if you want. I trust you." I said and now if anything happens he should feel guilty.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded. 

"I'll call you if I change my mind." I said, bouta get out the car.

"Ight then, gimme kiss." He said and I pecked his lips.

"That ain't no damn kiss." He huffed and I sat on his lap and kissed him passionately. I pulled away and he pulled in lip bottom lip, licking his top in the process.

"I'ma see you lata?" 

"If I'm sleep when you get back, just wake me up ight." He nodded and I got out the car.

My temporary situation // nba youngboyWhere stories live. Discover now