My Synesthete File

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I've been reading a few other synesthesia books on here and I've been learning some new things about synesthesia, including some types I never thought I had or maybe didn't even know existed. 

I figure that I'll put it all down in one place so that I can later look back and see what's changed and what hasn't. (I'm not looking forward to the day my synesthesia starts to fade. I've seen others saying that and I'm afraid for that day because I've come to rely on my synesthesia without realizing I was relying on it.)

The first type I ever noticed (but it was only the second one I recognized as being a type of synesthesia) was grapheme-color synesthesia. I think I saw it with names first, although I don't know because it was ten, eleven, maybe even twelve years ago.

My alphabet:

A is pink, although a few times these past few weeks I've occasionally seen it as red

B is orange

C is a shade of blue, similar to slate

D and E are both lilac-gray

F is orange

G is like D and E, but more gray

H is red, usually like a brick red

I is white or very pale gray, *sometimes* pale yellow

J is red

K is light a bright green

L is pale yellow, like the soft yellow light from a lamp

M is a darker green, but can sometimes be the same shade as K

N is either orange, amber, or brown, depending on context (kinda caramel in this case)

O is black

P is like a pale orange

Q is like D and E, but with a hint more lilac

R is red

S is blue, any shade, depending on context

T is red, and it varies between red and brick red

U is like P, but paler, like a sand color almost

V is bright green like K

W is green, but it's almost dulled, if you understand what I'm saying; kinda dusty but not

X and Y are yellow-gold, with X being a bit more gold than Y

Z is like the slate color of C, but darker and a tad bit more gray

0 is black

1 is white or pale gray

2 is blue

3 is green

4 is orange or red, depending on the situation

5 is yellow

6 is a darker blue

7 is a like a dark bright green

8 is a really dark purple or blue, almost black

9 is tannish

10 is black

11 is pale yellow, like L

12 is dark blue

13 is green

14 is red

15 is yellow

16 is dark blue

17 is a teal or green, depending on idek what

18 is black

19 is tan

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