Wrapping Up

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This is the last chapter I'm going to write for this book. I'll still answer any questions, I just figured that I had to end it sooner or later and it would be best to wrap it up now rather than drag it out to the point were I'm forcing myself to think of something to add.

Anyways, I'll end with sharing a few odd quirks about me that I think are related to my sensory or whatever somehow, but I don't know for sure.

First, my ears ring if it's too quiet. I know a lot of people experience this, but it got to the point where I needed to have my radio on just about 24/7 to keep my ears from ringing. It's toned down a tad, but I still need to have some sort of background noise.

I often forget all about lunch. I'll be doing something and it'll be 1 o'clock and my mom will call up to me "Did you forget about lunch?" and I'll have to admit that yes, I forgot about lunch. Again. And most of the time, I'm not even hungry. Like ever. I used to feel hungry all the time and had two or three snacks throughout the day. Now, I rarely if ever snack and if I'm really struggling with "I'm not hungry but it's lunchtime", I don't feel anything from skipping. I don't skip it often, but I do do it every so often.

I can't touch feet, dirty laundry, socks, shoes, or anything that has been touched by these things without feeling like I need to wash my hands. I can't even be outside without feeling this need, even if I don't touch anything. If i drop anything onto my foot or my foot brushes on my bed, I need to "disinfect" by washing it or spraying it with water.

When we're in the car, I feel the need to mentally slap every metal sign we go past. I'll find myself twisting around so I can still keep them in my sight to hit them. And when I want to stop, I can't just stop. I have to spin my feet around in small circles and thrust them outwards. Aaaaaaaad then five minutes later I find myself doing it again. So annoying. This actually came after I managed to finally get myself to stop doing the weird counting thing I'd do (1, 2...3, 4...5, 6...etc.). Trying to stop it, but I know that something else is just gonna take it's place. I think it started up because I'm afraid of cars.

I need everything to be "right". Such as with commercials: the shorter version is almost always deemed "wrong". If there's a remake of a movie or TV show, if they change things that my brain determines is essential, it's "wrong". The other day when my brother put the Doritos in the cupboard instead of on top of the fridge (where they've always gone before), I had to "fix" it.

My memory is awful. I can't remember anything unless I write it down. If I have no paper, well, I hope it's not important. Although I have discovered I can temporarily remember something if I "write" it on my arm or leg. I remembered the name of a song for three full days doing this, as well as remembering that I'd put a song there in that "slot", even though I couldn't remember the name (it was part of the same album as the other songs so it was all good and I found it later).

I can't study. At all. I end up staring out my window or daydreaming or reading the book that's sitting only a few feet away. But give me an encyclopedia, I'll read it happily for hours. I own quite a few, as I think I mentioned in an earlier chapter, as well as the Merck Veterinary Manual. I'll spend all day in the Google Vortex and I gave up counting how many tabs I have on my phone and my laptop ages ago. I keep meaning to clear them out, but my brain keeps saying "NO! You'll use it someday!" and I listen and let it stay.

So that's me. Chaotic and a bit paradoxical. Immersed in a world of color and heightened senses, just trying to make my way through this crazy world. :)

Me, My Sensory, and My SynesthesiaWhere stories live. Discover now