Vanilla Ice Cream

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First, apologies that yesterday's chapter was so short :/ I got a bit busy trying not to die because our AC had been broken and yesterday was the hottest day yet the repair guys didn't come over 'til the afternoon. I spend a good amount of time in the basement, which meant I couldn't be around my laptop. (I have a crippling fear of people reading what I'm writing. ...Ironic that I'm writing this up for people to read, isn't it? But I think it mostly affects me when I'm actively writing.) So by the time the AC was fixed and I was able to get back to my laptop (can't figure out how to write anything from my phone :) i hate technology), it was about the time I'm supposed to be off my computer and so I just hastily put out the first idea that came to mind because I just about promised I'd give you one after I couldn't on Wednesday.

OKAY! Ice cream!

Everyone has their go-to flavor, whatever it may be. Mine is blue moon, but we rarely get it. Same with the "Scooperman" ice cream. (I've seen so many names for this, I don't know which is the original.) So, of the two flavors my family tends to get, chocolate and vanilla, I chose vanilla. (Chocolate ice cream tastes nothing like chocolate, the liars.) But even among the vanillas I have a favorite: French vanilla. My dad prefers vanilla bean, so we also rarely get French vanilla (he and my mom eat it more than my siblings and I).

But whenever I try to explain why I prefer why I prefer French vanilla, I get those "what are you even talking about" looks. My parents kinda just smiled and nodded, but my siblings kept pushing, even though they didn't understand, so I have a pretty good understanding of the different flavors of vanilla, even though my sister claims they all taste the same.

So, let's start with French vanilla shall we? French vanilla tastes the warmest of all the vanillas. It has the softest texture.

Vanilla bean is the coldest of the vanilla. It tastes like ice more often than not and tends to have the hardest/stiffest texture. (Although Meijer brand has a softer texture and tastes a bit warmer, although the little specks are more noticeable and you can feel them and that's just weird.)

Straight vanilla is odd. It's just... vanilla. I can't really describe how it tastes. It just is. It's like an in between of warm and cold, of soft and hard.

And this isn't just a matter of where we get our ice cream or where we keep it. We get it from either Meijer or Walmart. We store it in the deep freeze until someone wants to open it, in which case it moves to the freezer in our kitchen. All the ice cream we get follows the same routine. I personally don't understand how my sister can't taste the differences, but maybe it's just because I'm the only true vanilla fan in my family. Everyone else usually prefers chocolate, although my mom does sometimes get vanilla instead.

I don't know. Maybe it's just my brain tricking me because of my French vanilla bias.

Anyways, if you taste something different, let me know! Or if you agree with what I've said about them, then please let me know so I can see that I'm not alone. Thanks for reading and I'll see you tomorrow!

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