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The once smooth road of the city is now the roughy bumpy road of the rural. Even with the foamy cushioned seat of his Maserati, Jimin still found his butt sore and legs itching for a stretch. The estimated 8 hours drive is now recalculated to be a 13 hours drive because of the few clustered cities they had to avoid. The Maserati had alerted Jimin of the bad conditions of Jeonju which the GPS recalculated another route for him. And for that, they had to enter drive around Jeonju and into Daegu before they could return to the originally calculated route.

The sheer frustration was visible on Jimin's face who have been frowning and clicking his tongue at the misfortune. Every time the monitor beeps at the new red dots, he would groan before swirling around and finding a new route. This continuous rounding and avoiding the zombies was no fun for the drive and especially boring for the passenger who have been doing absolutely nothing but tapping on the monitor as told by her client, which by now, she's sure wasn't her client but an acquaintance for survival purposes.

For the past 6 hours, Venus had her mouth shut unless she's eating. The bravery of breaking the ice or initiating a conversation with the man wasn't her cup of tea for now as Jimin looked like he would chainsaw her in half if she was to make a joke.

But the girl was silent for another reason as well. She couldn't help but constantly glance at her phone in hopes of seeing her dad's ID blinking at her. She hasn't heard from him since the outbreak and her mind was racing miles in worrisome. However anxious she was for her dad, she couldn't seemed to have the balls to ask Jimin to help her, especially not when he couldn't even help themselves with the ever changing routes.

Once again, Venus leaned back with a small sigh as she stared out of the window. The rural location wasn't bad at all. In fact, it seemed rather peaceful to stay for awhile. The country-side places before Daegu was merely to no infections at all, making her grew an urge to ask Jimin to stop and recollect themselves before another 8 hours drive.

The sky was darkening outside as night time was creeping in. Venus averted her gaze from the window and looked at the man beside her. Even after such tragic outbreak, Park Jimin still managed to look fine, if not, glowing. Besides the small dark circles under his eyes, he still looked good. Venus shook her head to shake off the weird thoughts before inhaling to ask a question.

"Don't you want to rest?"

Her voice came out small and almost like a whisper. She didn't know why but seeing her client with a gun and shot his way through the zombies back there really made her grew timid around him.

The man stayed silent but slowed down the car as they were entering a barn area. The red and white wooden building surrounded by fields showed an obvious trade of farmland. Venus figured Jimin might chose to rest here since it looked rather safe.

He turned the car around and parked it in front of a farm house which was weirdly empty. They could see the farm animals still roaming around casually which confused Jimin a little. His hand reached back to grab a hunting riffle. As he searched in the backseat, Venus got a pretty view of his chiseled jawline, smooth neck and a glimpse of his collarbone which was peeking from his unbuttoned shirt.

The girl blinked away with an uncomfortable gulp as Jimin reached for the gun. He inserted a silencer at the muzzle of the riffle in hopes of muffling the gunshot.

"Stay here"

Jimin demanded before exiting the car without letting the girl protest. He kept the car door slight opened for emergency purposes but also not to cause loud noises. Venus slumped into her seat as she uncomfortably watched Jimin slowly walked towards the wide opened doors of the barn house. When he stood in front of the entrance, he kicked a rock but to his suspicions, there wasn't anyone. His head tilted a little but he lifted his gun up as he continued to walk closer.

𝘓𝘐𝘍𝘌𝘓𝘌𝘚𝘚 𝘞𝘈𝘙//𝘗𝘑𝘔 𝘍𝘍Where stories live. Discover now