Gorgeous. Drop dead gorgeous. Even with her eyes closed, dipped cheeks from being too petite, slightly dried lips but still kissable as always, protruding collarbone showed more signs of weight lost and pale skin from the traumatic panic attack from earlier which threw her into a pit of darkness. Gorgeous. Still gorgeous. He thought to himself as he stared at the sleeping girl while she breathed slowly and steadily, completely opposite of her raged ones from earlier. Damn, that must've been terrifying. He bit his lips in anger and pity as he stared at her. It's been hours since he caught her in the midst of a near death situation and it caused great wrath in him to see her being cornered and in such bad state.Honestly, he knew why. He knew exactly why her face paled, bones protruding, limped body and dull orbs. He knew it's not because of the lack of food nor was she being tortured in that village. Instead, it was him. He knew freaking well she looked dead because of him. He knew he was the reason why she was covered in dirty, shaking in fear and hyperventilating for her life. He knew and that killed him inside out. Now that he had her in his arms, he couldn't help but still felt her absence as he silently stared at her lifeless body. This wasn't how he imagined their reunion would be like, he didn't expect to witness her breakdown while dozens of zombies surrounded her and he most definitely didn't expect her to call out for him even when she's at the verge of dying.
He was feeling both ecstasy and anguish seeing her digging her own grave but still call out to him for one last hope which he fulfilled. It took him quite long to get to his destination but it took hella amount of try and errors to track the girl down but once he got her exact location, he brought his army with him on the journey to get her back. Fortunately for the attacked village, his army was able to annihilate all zombies as well as the ones that were infected. Though it was reckless to slaughter the infected ones in front of their families, his army was well trained to perform such sacrifice with a quick and less gruesome death. He was able to save the survivors and brought them back with him as well when he was getting the girl back. He figured these people had somehow bonded with his girl when he heard her name being screamed as if they're trying to find and protect her, as if they're well acquainted, like families.
While his army was getting rid off the savage zombies, he went away in dire search of the beautiful face of his girl and he suspected a change in her since he hasn't seen her for months but he didn't expect not did he wish to catch her in a horrible condition with sweat drenched body and trembling figure, weakly calling his name before she let go of herself and fell into an abyss which she's still in. The scene was such a heartache that he still felt a pang in his body when his mind recalls it.
What made the situation worse was that he was strictly ordered not to touch her yet as her body was still weak and fragile. Little movements might trigger something in the brain or awaken another trauma etc. The possibility was too wide and the risk was too high so he had no choice but to obey even though his status was nowhere near taking orders. He found himself sitting quietly with fiddling fingers and tapping foot as he sighed for the hundredth times, waiting impatiently for her to blink her feathery lashes and open her eyes. He missed them. Those orbs, those shinny orbs just made his heart skipped and how they sparkled whenever she gets excited over him was making him go crazy.
He leaned back on his chair with arms hanging loosely on both sides and head resting back while he continued staring at the girl. He begun imagining her flattering eyes and wide smiles though he was only staring at an unconscious girl. Maybe he was bored out of his mind and being a psychopath means 24/7 stimulated but he found himself humming a random melody with just wake up as the lyrics and sang in a deep lazy voice
"Wake up, wake up, wake up, w-a-k-e up, wake up, wakey wakey, up up"
He groaned at himself for sounding like a fool and mentally cursed himself for doing something as stupid as this. However, his random song was slowly bringing the girl back to her senses, making her fell in and out of consciousness with muffled sounds and blurry vision. Her breathing slowly picked up and was finally breathing at a normal pace. Her body started to feel the small aches and pain around her limbs as her mind started to function. The girl begun to stir in her dreamland to pull herself out of the darkness and saw the warm lights shining through the slits of her eyes but her vision was the blurriness was layering her orbs.

Fanfiction"I don't know what happened but....it seemed like some shitty cliche experiment went wrong and now we have zombies..." His sentence was interrupted by a faint rumbling sound from above. They looked out and found a helicopter leaving the building. Ji...