•Hunt Pt.2•

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Today is the day. The day of the hunt. It's a scheduled event here in Jeju where a two days hunt will take place every weekend with chosen guardians only. These guardians were personally picked by both Prime and Second Generals to form a strong and fearless group to accompany Secondary General on a hunt. This hunt is specifically carried out to bring back larger portions of food to save up domestic food and also to try and reduce the population of zombies which was believed to have stopped due to powerful protection over mankind like the domain of Jeju. Jungkook believed humans can gradually wipe zombies off the face of Earth if the remaining humans come together to carry out this hunt but solely contacting other countries is a challenge itself, not to mention tracking foreign survivors down. It would mankind a hella lot of time to dominate Earth again.

This hunt have been led by Jungkook for the past month and he was more than happy to hand it over to the Secondary General so he could attend to other matters in the domain. With Jimin involving in the higher hierarchy, it lifted a heavy brick off Jungkook's shoulders. Not to mention the girl who he brought along have been contributing as much as she could and it was honestly more than enough especially her strange ability to somehow get Jimin's mind to sit and obey her. With his stable mentality, Jimin became more invincible and manageable as well, making Jeju domain one of the raising empire in this fallen nation of mankind.

But no matter how much of a blessing him and his girl were, Jimin still couldn't get over the fact that Venus is wearing a thick bulletproof leather jacket with a turtle and combat boots while getting her new horse, 7, tacked up along with his chosen group of elite guardians. She definitely didn't fit into any category or qualified to get chosen but because of her deal with the Court Guardians, Venus got herself a position right below Jimin on this hunt. As his woman, Venus got the privilege of squeezing into the category of firearms with her skills of handling a gun which she learned from living with a young mafia but everyone knows she main reason there wasn't opening fire but to keep an eye on her man.

Even though there's no need for her to carry a big gun, Venus still found herself tapping on her chin with her index finger while she contemplating over which rifle to take though she's been looking at the same rifle for the passed minutes. She just wanna be professional, you know? As if. Anyway, as the girl took a little longer at the gun table, Jimin was leaning against a wall while he waited for his group to tack up for the hunt. He's been in the practice range waiting for them since early morning to get things in check. He packed all the tents, essentials, med-kits and etc so the other guardians can focus on getting their carriages and horses ready for the hunt.

Honestly though, the man was itching to be at his girl's side since he left her behind with a cold sheets to run errands but now that she's here, Jimin remained in his spot to admire her from a far. He's been watching her ever since she entered the practice range with other guardians, who listened well and never talked or looked at Venus unless she spoke first, before she started searching for her man but when she found him, Jimin quickly turned away and act busy like dusting non-existence dust off saddles or adjusting his already perfect saddle. He found himself avoiding the girl even when he's craving for her presence and he figured it must be because he knew he would somehow bring up something to argue about just to piss her off and make her stay back which obviously isn't pretty so he decided to stay away for awhile to get his head right and accept the fact that she's coming and there's nothing he can do about it.

And now, he's watching her choose guns as if she's a sniper or expert with a smirk. This girl always amused him in the best way with her cute embarrassing moments or how she always tries to fit in the worse crowd just like how she's imitating everything the guardians around her were doing to prepare for the hunt. Venus hasn't approached him for help or greeted him with a morning kiss because she didn't think it would be appropriate for her to get all squishy with him when she's practically in a work environment. She noticed how guardians around her were figuring things out by themselves so she decided to be independent if she wishes to stay in the hunt and not get killed.

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