•Plan A•

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Mad. Crazy. Insane. Lunatic. Anything related to being a psychopath, Jimin owned it by heart and mind. He had to admit, him running straight back to an infested village that he and Venus managed to escape with blood and sweat must be in the top of the list of his crazy doings. He was sure he's in his right mind when he escaped the village and even when he's loading up those boxes of guns but that right mind of him seemed to have slipped for a split second and that when his psycho mind came in with clear memories of everything from his fight with the girl up til the pond. Everything flashed across his eyes like a forgotten movie when he stepped onto the ferry but what stopped him from getting on was the scene of a black Maserati in an underground like place which he thankfully recognized with a single glance.

Jimin made up his mind to head back for his beloved vehicle and surely the decision wasn't made by his right mind which was why he felt absolutely ridiculous for running back yet he also felt the mass production of adrenaline rushing through his body in both fear and ecstatic. A feeling he hasn't felt for quite sometime especially after getting very acquainted with the girl who stole his heart but now, the man is dwelling in his long last feeling of psychotic.

It was like he was high on some kind of drug called madness as he ran through the chaotic village. His eyes absorbed his wrecked surroundings in amusement and excitement. Blood shed and piercing screams sent tingles down his spine as he once again felt the thrill. His psychotic mind was having a blast as he witnessed all kinds of disasters in there. Burning houses, bloody villagers, rotting zombies, fearful gangsters, all begging for the non-existence mercy and the man could only reminisced how he often received begging like those. Ah the good ol' days.

Jimin stretched a cheshire cat smile as he bolted down the bloody streets as if he was just taking a morning jog but the zombies clearly didn't have the brain to figure out that threatening the man would only result in an ugly death. Some zombies caught Jimin running down the streets and started to target him but when they got nearer, all they got was a deep slash from their guts up to their faces, almost tearing them to half but the man let them die with a severed head and torso. Anything that came into his sight will only be sliced into half or beheaded and he couldn't care less if it was a zombie or a villager. It was gruesome but he's not planing to mingle around this hellish place when the girl of his heart was waiting for him at the port who he could guarantee was going to beat his ass up for doing something absurd like this.

The man picked up his pace and got further into the village and even passed by their old house before arriving at the facility which he was being kept at when he first arrived. Even recalling the incident that involved two bear tranquilizers was a pain in the ass for him and he was still irritated by that. The facility was wide opened when broken doors and was obviously rampaged considering the ruined interior, making Jimin crossed his fingers for his vehicle's safety. He quickly got to a sliding door at the far end of the building and opened it with ease. Seemed like his psycho self must've broke every lock here when he came for the blade. The door opened to a short descending stairs which led to a dark basement. Jimin didn't hesitate and went down right away.

Once he got down, the basement lit up with motion sensor light which really made him questioned the wealth of the gangsters or where did the villagers get the money for this tech. Anyway, when the lights lit up row by row, the black shiny Maserati slowly became uncovered by the lights as it dramatically reunited with its rightful owner. Jimin's eyes immediately sparkled in excitement seeing his beloved vehicle in all its glory. It looked amazing as ever with its shinny black coat, thin reflective sliver rims with bulky tires and low chassis leading up to a slick figure. It was one hell of a car. He might've sworn to throw it away if it meant for the girl's life but now that he has the chance of having both the girl and the car, you ain't gonna see him trippin'.

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