One whole week. One whole solid week. One entire damn week and she's still a useless sloth with a partially fractured shoulder which was bandaged with cast sling as if she just broke her entire shoulder. The cast was a little exaggerating but it surely took away her usual activities like doing chores, helping the cooks or even just following her man into boring ass meeting where her infamous embarrassment come showing off like a proud peacock. That one stab by an arrow have costed her her freedom and replaced it with utter boredom mainly because her handsome mafia have given strict orders of no working for at least three weeks and even informed her usual workplaces of her absence, telling them to not accept her if she was to sneak out just for work which he knew she would.And if you think laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, cleaning the room for the nth time or read the same damn book was enough to distract her then you cannot be more wrong because Venus was about to yank all her hair out out of boredom and frustration as well. She did try argue, bribe, beg Jimin to release her from this hellish room but the man only gives her same response which was a kiss and a "get well soon and you can go out. See you, babygirl"
Of course never leave her unattended which was why she had a guardian right outside her door that will attend to all her needs and wants. Not to mention the chef down in the cafeteria who is ready for any order of hers and will get it done in seconds. And for Jimin himself? He did more than keeping an eye on her. He kept a camera on her. Jimin had to install a spy camera in one of the eye of the teddy bear he gave her as a 'recovery gift' but really it was his access to keeping her in check because he received some complains from the assigned guardian regarding the behavior of the girl when it comes to bribing the guardian to let her out or tried climbing oyt of the window which really ticked Jimin's nerves. She got that arm cast sling from that stupid attempt of escaping and got herself hurt again when she slipped and slammed her injured shoulder against the window frame.
From that incident onwards, Jimin have been taking major and desperate measurements to keep her safe but it can difficult and frustrating when the patient themselves weren't cooperative and Venus' stubbornness showed it all. He would do his regular checks on her and tend to stay longer than expected because the girl just couldn't endure another second without socializing. Jimin thought of letting her out for awhile but that resulted in her crashing into a pillar when she got too excited and the man immediately shoved her back in the room. Honestly, Venus can be- no, she IS a handful and her stubbornness never help in these kinds of situations.
Currently Jimin is watching the girl as she cuddled with the teddy bear that had his initials on it because, uh, why not? He had his earphones in as he leisurely leaned back on his leather seat with legs propped onto the table, drinking a smoothie while listening to Venus' conversation with the teddy bear. You can't blame her for going crazy and talk to a teddy bear when you get shut in a room for a week with your lover coming back at night and leaving early in the morning for work. Not to mention the two days he go MIA when going hunting, yeah that really made her go crazy. Though he promised himself not to plant his nose in her personal business too much like eavesdropping her conversations but Jimin have taken much interest in the topics she shared with the plushie but not surprised when more than half of them were about him, in a good way of course but also her complains on his overprotectiveness.
"....I already promised him that I'll be a good girl, that I won't go crashing and hurting myself again and he just wouldn't listen!"
"Uh I did but you're the one who can't keep promises and now you're in a bloody cast sling"
Jimin retaliated and tsked as if he was talking to the girl in real life but really he was only staring at the material of her hoodie through the eye of the teddy bear. He took a large sip and scoffed in disbelief as the girl complain more of him. He couldn't confront her about it or punish her for complaining so much because that would expose him and his antics which won't be pretty when the girl fumed. The girl sighed and stopped her grumbles before rolling off bed with a soft groan when she felt the discomfort in her shoulder. The damage the stab did to her humerus bone has left her some scarring as well as aches and stiffness in the shoulder.

Fanfiction"I don't know what happened seemed like some shitty cliche experiment went wrong and now we have zombies..." His sentence was interrupted by a faint rumbling sound from above. They looked out and found a helicopter leaving the building. Ji...