She was slipping her legs into her pants when she heard the zipping sound from the other side of the rock which they both agreed to hide behind to remove their soaked undergarments though it was difficult for her to shove the man away when he was constantly convincing her to let him stay while she strip completely naked. And yes, this means that they had to walk home with absolutely no undergarments but the girl had a bigger problem than the man since she had to cover her hardened nipples because of the cold water she just dived in. Soon, she heard the sounds of shuffling that his boots made, concluding that the man was done dressing up.Venus begun to quickened her actions as she rushed to get dressed up. She kinda expected Jimin to start walking back home since that's just his habit of not waiting for others even if it was her. She couldn't afford to waste anymore time to ask for him to wait so she just continued to rush herself. She finally slipped into her shoes with slight difficulty as the shoelaces were dangling everywhere. She hopped out from behind the rock on one leg while trying to tie the shoelaces but she lost her balance when she stepped on a thick bunch, causing her to roll on her weaker ankle and fell forward. But before her body hit the ground, a body blocked hers from collapsing forward with arms circled around her torso.
"Wow take it easy, doll. You almost sprained your ankle again"
Jimin helped balanced her and dusted her pants which caught some dried leaves in them and ran his fingers down her hair to comb it before he squatted down to tie her another shoelace. Venus slightly scrunched her nose at the uncomfortable sting in her weaker ankle and mentally agreed with Jimin on that note. She did had a bad sprain before and it seemed like she needs to be extra careful with it. Speaking of which, the girl raised her eyebrows at the man, feeling quite surprised to see him already waiting for her at the other side of the boulder unlike back when they were in that grocery store and even caught her just in time as if he was watching her the entire time, hopefully not including her naked time.
Venus was also content to see him making more gentleman gestures like fixing her hair and now tying her shoelaces which was kinda cliché as if she was in some sort of kdrama that probably doesn't exist in her world since her lover is a psychopath and she should anticipating for more like a Bonnie and Clyde kind of romance. This really opened her eyes to see that he doesn't need her to change, he just need some time and himself and all she gotta do was be patient with him and not treat this relationship like a therapy session.
Jimin finished tying a butterfly knot on her shoes before standing back up and dusted his. He looked at the girl and caught her raised brows before smirking and tilted his head at her.
"Didn't think I'll be waiting for you, huh?"
He lightly shook his head with a smile before awkwardly leaned in and pecked her forehead. He turned on his heels and started walking away but abruptly stopped with a sigh before retreating his steps back to her and breathed out an apologetic chuckle at her. It confused the girl a little but then he reached out for her hand and intertwined their fingers, making the girl smiled.
"It's kinda hard, you know. But I'm trying. For you, of course"
Jimin nonchalantly shrugged before tugging her along as he led them back home through the forest which was decorated with corpses and blood. Venus smiled wider and shook her head at his very vague explanation which basically meant its kinda hard for me to get used to being actually lover but I'm trying to change and it's all for you. Not many people could understanding his coded words and his very vague sentences but the girl managed to read him like a book. It might get frustrating sometimes when communicating with him especially when he shuts her out but she was willing to put in all time and patience if it meant she gets to stick to him like a glue for, hopefully, forever.

أدب الهواة"I don't know what happened seemed like some shitty cliche experiment went wrong and now we have zombies..." His sentence was interrupted by a faint rumbling sound from above. They looked out and found a helicopter leaving the building. Ji...