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It happened so quickly that Venus had no time to respond to Jimin's sexual comment, telling how his cum was supposed to be her meal of the day and that it's good for anxiety. Was it actually beneficial though? Hell yeah. But was she filled? Nope. Thanks to her hunger, Venus snapped back and her demons weren't quite pleased with the man's sneaky tricks and it definitely made them angrier. She was about to rain her fury on that bastard who messed with her on her 2nd day AND tricked her into giving him a blowjob, which by the way she took pride in making him a shaking mess, but Jimin seemed to be in a hurry as he quickly grabbed a riffle and a belt, probably for the pants Venus had yanked off, before hopping down onto the coast of Jeju-Island.

After a long ride of days on roads and hours on waters, they finally arrived at the protected island which didn't seem too guarded considering how their ferry just landed on their shore. Venus grew curious as she trailed further behind Jimin when he started making his arrival known. She nervously wore a pair of shorts before hiding herself beside the black Maserati and watched the man leisurely strapped the riffled onto his shoulder with one hand in his pocket as if he was waiting for someone and soon enough a group of people emerged from the small forest at the coast. The girl grew worried for Jimin seeing the island's defense getting alerted at the mafia's presence. All of them were carrying hunting riffles or even assault rifle as they approach Jimin but the man seemed rather unbothered by it.

Then, a tall man came our from the woods and it immediately erased the effect Jimin claimed his cum will have in her, which was to calm her anxiety, because Venus found herself grow nervous over the seconds. The tall man had black hair, strong jaw, muscular figure, tattooed arms and a pair of glaring eyes. He looked like someone who could crash Jimin in a second but then again, that psycho lover of hers seemed to be immune to death for some reason. Still, that tall man had a threatening vibe and dark aura that she should be worrying about and Jimin should too.

Just when Venus was about to pull Jimin back in before he gets himself into trouble, the tall man raised his hand only to land it in Jimin's palm for a firm handshake. Both the men smiled contently as they shook hands and did a small handshake as well. Judging by the loosened atmosphere, Venus figured these people were trusted by Jimin and that tall man must be one of his many acquaintances in the world of mafia so she slowly exit the boat to get to her man. But as the girl begun to approach her man, a hand grabbed a handful of her hair by her roots and yanked her onto her knees, causing her to immediately burst into tear when she felt her roots getting torn out and her yelp averted everyone's attention from the two men.

"Ayy boss! What are we gonna do with this whore?"

The person who got a firm hold of Venus' hair yelled in amusement as he leaned down and smirked at the girl. The guards around the two men were caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the girl considering how she just walked out of the ferry which the young mafia just arrived in. It was definitely a rare find and sight to have especially with Park Jimin since he never had a woman around for more than 2 hours and they were positive that this new girl was with him for longer than hours considering how they have traveled to Jeju. They had their guns lifted a little, ready to aim and fire if Venus gives off any signs of threat.

Venus' yelp caught Jimin's attention and he whipped around with his hand grabbing into his riffle, ready to blast bullets into the scumbag who made her cried out but stopped when he saw the girl drew her arm back before recoiling a stone fist right at the person's crotch, slamming it into his dick and making him collapsed with a scream. Once her hair was freed from the man's grip, Venus stood up and stomped towards Jimin which triggered all the guards around them to raised their guns at her but the tall man noticed how Jimin was stretching his arms out to reach for her so he lifted a hand up and gestured them to hold their fire.

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