The Children's Home

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A/n: Sorry for the amount of spelling and grammar mistakes. This is my first ever story so its not going to have the best spelling and grammar stuff

 This is my first ever story so its not going to have the best spelling and grammar stuff

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As my boat approached the island I was very happy even if you couldn't see it on my face. I had taken with me everything that I thought I was going to need to live here. I laughed when I saw the girls faces while I left into the forest, I mean not physically but on the inside I was. No one ever went beyond the forest because the headmistress would never allow it. 

 I found this island online, it's very quiet and far away, a place where no one can find me. Once I got here it was exactly what I wanted, peace and quiet. I checked into my room at this place called the "priest hole" which I thought was a pretty humorous name. I started wandering far off into the island and I found a forest.

"Perfect! A foggy forest where I can live, read books, and be happy that she won't find me" I said with a straight face but excitement clear in my voice. 

I started walking into the forest until I noticed it started getting really muddy, I didn't let that stop me though. What did stop me was a house that sat in the middle of the island which I thought was odd. Then it struck me that this might be the children's home that was bombed in 1943. 

"This place really needs to be cleaned out," I said to myself while entering and looking around the house. "These could all be amazing artifacts put in a museum about the island. They could make tons of money!" 

I stumbled upon a formation of rocks that could be a perfect painting or hideout. As the curious girl that I am, I walked inside. Once I came out I immediately knew that I had probably been wondering for days since the sun was shining.  I started just heading back to the priest hole once I saw so maybe I could get help, then It occurred to me that this could be some "Star Trek" stuff that I had saw on something called the television. 

Everyone looked at me weirdly but I didn't mind since everyone usually looked at me that way. Once I entered the priest hole I noticed it wasn't your hotel priest hole but a bar. I walked out confused so I just started walking towards the children's home since that was the second safest place I could check out, even if it was torn to pieces.  Once I got there it wasn't torn to pieces but still standing. I stood at the door until I heard the voice of a child and I ran and I kept running. 

Before I started running I dropped my watch which made a loud bang. It broke. Soon after footsteps were approaching the door. That's when I ran. A voice called out saying in a somewhat cockney accent "Ay where are you going? You dropped something." I didn't look back I just kept running, well that was until I fell and everything blacked out. 

I woke up in a bed that wasn't the one I occupied at the priest hole. My instincts told me to run so as a normal person I grabbed my watch which was next to me and I made it out the window. Due to my "supernatural" abilities, I put my watch in my mouth and was about the turn into a bird.

"Oh your not leaving again! The Bird wants to talk to you" said a voice but clearly, there was no one there. The bird? I dismissed the thought and jumped out the window, turning into a bird on the way down. 

I flew around the house trying to find the rock formation and once I did I rushed towards it. The door of the children's home flew open but no one was there. While observing this I almost flew into a tree but of course, I didn't. A woman dressed in navy blue came out and watched as I headed towards the rock formation. I stopped looking and finally made my way back

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