Miss Peregrine

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      Once I arrived at the priest's hole I immediately grabbed my journal and started writing down all of my theories. What was that voice? Who was that woman? How was the house still there? Did I go back in time? Did I die!? All these questions flooded my head. I didn't think much of it but I still thought it was odd, it could be dangerous Olivia we must not go back. Of course, though my curiosity got the best of me and I planned to go back the next morning. Right before I went to sleep a peregrine falcon visited my window.

"My goodness!" I said excited but nothing showing on my face. "A peregrine falcon such a wonderful bird of prey! Wheres my camera I need it! Stay there birdie I need a photo" I looked like a maniac trying to find my camera. I had gotten excited about every little thing I saw.

I finally found my camera and took a photo of the bird, it flew away at the flash though. I did not know peregrine falcons nested on this island. I put my camera back and decided to get ready for bed. I picked up some sleepwear from a thrift store and some more clothes. I picked up a book series that I found at the store called "Harry Potter" and I'm really excited to read it. I put on my sleepwear and I went to bed excited for the next morning.

                                                       -The Next Morning-

     I woke up at 6 in the morning the start my adventure. I started by taking a shower of course and then I put on a white turtle neck with a red and black short skirt and knee-high socks. It was inspired by this show I was informed about called "friends" apparently a character named Rachel Green wore it. I took my camera and my backpack and headed off into the woods, I took my mud boots this time though. I went back to the rock formation and I went through, it was the same, the village, the sun, and the people. I found the house and put my bag and camera in a bush nearby. I turned into a mouse so I wouldn't get caught and made my way towards the house. 

I went into the back yard and there were these amazing statues. I ran through them and climbed up the house. I found an open window and went inside it was the room of two little girls most likely. The house was obviously waking up so I stuck near the walls so I wouldn't get hit with a broom. The woman I had seen earlier was getting breakfast ready in the kitchen while kids were coming downstairs one by one. They all sat down at a table a few minutes later and then that's when I saw it. There were clothes floating...yes I said floating, this kid was invisible. That's when I noticed that kids had similar abilities, a boy with bees coming out of his mouth, a girl strapped to a chair, and a girl with what I could see had a back mouth. These children had the powers just like me!

"Miss peregrine who was that girl that was in Emma's room yesterday?" said the girl who was strapped to the chair. "That's nothing to worry about Olive," the woman said as she took a sip of coffee "Was she hurt?" said the girl with the back mouth. "She must have been peculiar! It's the only way she could enter the loop, right Millard" she looked over at the floating clothes. 

Millard? the floating clothes is a person! My brain had gone completely blank. I mean I know I can manipulate animals and turn into them but this was just too much. 

"It is true Miss Peregrine I've never seen her before, she was also wearing modern clothing," He said while looking at the so called "Miss Peregrine." She looked at the children sternly and politely asked them to stop asking questions. "AHHHHHH OH, MY BIRDS ITS A RAT" is the last words I heard before I went running. 

I was a bit offended since I was a mouse NOT a rat. I turned back into a human right as I was about to leave. That's when I saw someone running down the hall with a broom but they stopped right as they saw me. I went out the door but once I got to the bush a boy stood in front of me and held out his hand.

"Hugh Apiston. Sorry that we scared you it wasn't I guess a very nice way to say hello to a guest." I stood there like an idiot yet no expression on my face, he noticed and started asking me questions. "Are you okay? You look like someone stole your soul or something." At that moment I grabbed my bag and started walking away with the same expression on my face. He grabbed my arm and starting leading me towards the home. "Nope your not going this time the bird would like to speak to you," he said as I let him lead me towards the home. 

Once I got there everyone stared at me while I just stared right back at them. "Well isn't this an exciting way to start the morning," said a boy sarcastically while walking away downstairs. "Thank you, Hugh that would be enough for now," said the woman as she took me under my arm and lead me to the living room. The children all stared at me while I just stared back at them emotionless. The woman sat me down next to her and started talking. 

"Miss Peregrine as you may already know," she said sticking her hand out for me to shake it. I didn't know if I was in shock or something because I just stared at her hand emotionless. "It is not very polite to reject a handshake," she said with a strict look on her face. I finally take her hand with the same emotionless face. I can tell that the woman is a little worried since she slowly removes her hand from mine. "Are you okay?" She asks with a worried look on her face "you seem very um how do I say this" "emotionless?" I finally responded. "Yes! Well, I didn't want to put it that way but I just wanted to make sure." I stared at her with the same emotionless face for a few seconds until I finally responded while I hung my head low. "Yeah, it's something from when I was young you don't have to worry about it." 

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