The Letters

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Olivia's pov: 

      I took three pieces of paper and a pen from the boat and I ran into a cave and sat to write. I felt pain in my heart because I knew what I was going to do next was going to hurt Miss Peregrine and the children. I felt like an Abe, I was going to leave them and never come back. Except for this time I promise, I WILL come back and not leave them as Abe did. I was going to find Elizabeth and get everything cleared up and tell her what happened. Then I was going to go to school or figure out a way to make money so I don't have to count on Eliza. I can stay with her and after that, I can get my life in check and once I do I'll come back. Of course not to stay but I'll try to visit as much as I can. I wrote three Individual letters, one to Miss Peregrine, one to Millard, and one for Miss P to read to all.

I started off with the one that was dedicated to all. While writing I could hear Bronwyn yelling my name which made me ball my eyes out. I never wanted to hurt them but I knew leaving might do that.

To all,

       I hope that this letter will explain everything and answer the questions that you have. As you know I am not currently present or with you guys at the moment. I have made a decision that I hope you can accept, I'm leaving. My intentions were never to hurt any of you but I fear that throughout these years I have become a danger, a danger to all. I have become a big problem to all of you and I don't want that. I never knew that she was peculiar and when she came I knew I couldn't stay. Please accept this decision and know that I love every single one of you. All of you have changed my life and I am very grateful for that. You all have to promise me one thing though... That you will NOT I repeat NOT go after me, I will be well on my own since I know how to deal with these people. Thank you for understanding.

I promise I will be safe :)

                                                                                                     Love, Olivia (Liv) James

Of course, there were teardrops on the letter since I was no more the person I was five years ago. I could hear quiet outside and that's when I finally noticed that they had left. I started crying again even harder when I remembered what happened to Miss Peregrine, I hoped she was okay. My next letter was to her.

Dear Miss Peregrine, 

       I'm sorry for what she did to you. I'm sorry. I know how much you care for your children and for one of them to leave you as this must pain you. You are a great ymbryne Miss Peregrine and your children love you very much. There are no words to describe how much you mean to me and how much you have changed my life. I promise with my life Miss Peregrine that I will be safe and that I will try to write as much as I can. I can't fully explain why I'm leaving but all I can say is that I have some unfinished business in the modern world. I do hope you can understand. I will be leaving my stuff if anyone wants it and I hope that you guys will take good care of it. I'm crying as I write this even though you already know because of the tear stains but I just want you to know that I am doing this for everyone's safety. I know you love all your children and I wouldn't want to put any of them in danger. I love ya Miss Peregrine and I hope you know that.

Thank you for understanding

                                                                                                                  Love, Olivia James

I finally finished writing her letter when I started shaking. I didn't know why but I just did. I couldn't stop shaking even as I paced around the room. I sat down and I concentrated on staying still. When I finished shaking I felt a flutter in my stomach thinking about the next letter that I had to write. I was finally going to tell Millard how I felt. Oh my goodness Olivia this isn't a rom-com like get a hold of yourself  I thought. I got my pen and started writing something I could never have.

My dearest, Millard

        I know you probably hate me and I understand, I would hate me too. Millard, you are one of the greatest people I know and I know in the future you will do amazing things. I'm going to miss you dearly and I will never and I mean never forget you. I know you're a curious guy so I'm going to say what I already did, I have to go because I want all of you safe. Now, don't you start arguing saying your right because I know deep inside you know it was the best choice. I will miss talking about subjects that the others find "boring" or having a tough game of scrabble. The next thing I want to talk about could ruin our relationship but I don't care. Millard, I like you and I mean romantically not just as a friend. I know that its' cheesy to say but it's true Millard and I hope that you feel the same way. It's like a tunnel, a dark and dangerous tunnel but at the end is a light and that light is you. I won't forget you Millard and I hope it's the same with you. Here is my necklace so you will always have a piece of me or a charm to remember me, Millard. Remember just because you are invisible doesn't mean you are less human than anyone else.

I love you <3     

                                                                                                                         Love, Liv 

Tear stains covered the paper near the bottom. I smiled seeing that I finally am conquering some of my fears. I confessed. It was a relief and I finally felt the weight lift off my shoulders. I never thought to give away my necklace but I did. That necklace was the start of our relationship, the start of a new beginning in Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children. He and Bronwyn saved me when I went to get the necklace. Bronwyn. Oh my dear Bronwyn I gasp as I put my hand over my mouth. I took out my bow and added a little note to the bottom of Millard's letter.

May you please give this to Bronwyn for me. Oh! And do tell her I said thank you. Thank you for everything she's done and that she means a lot. :)

I smiled at this little note I had made. I could never hurt Bronwyn I mean she was just so strong. We would always climb the trees together and I loved spending time together. She was like my other half even if Emma and Fiona were my "best friends." Bronwyn was different. You could always count on her and she would always be there when you needed her most. She was the sun, a big and bright star that would keep you alive. 

I finally got up and headed towards the home only to find the crime scene cleaned up. Had Bronwyn and Hugh cleaned it up for me? I almost collapsed at this assumption. Why would they do that? This was my problem, not theirs. I took a deep breath but it hurt, it hurt the breathe in and out and all that came out were wheezes. I started walking to the house crying and I could feel the pain that was going to haunt me forever. 

Even though I was hurt I turned into a nightingale and went to my bedroom window. I left the letters on my bed and I flew back out to sit on a tree. I could hear the door to my room open and hear the commotion about the letter, it was Emma and Fiona.

"Look Em there are letters!" Fiona said cheerfully. "One is addressed to Miss Peregrine then to all and then" there was a pause "to Millard," She said putting it down. Emma grabbed the letter and just looked at the envelopes.

"We must go give these to Miss Peregrine she would be happy to hear confirmation coming from Olivia"

They ran down the stairs to probably meet with the others. I smiled knowing that they would be okay. They didn't need me and I just didn't belong there. I have my own story and they have theirs. I have my own conflicts and they have theirs. I was just an extra character that was added at the last minute. I knew they were going to be okay without me. Shoot Olivia, you should have written that in the letters. I shook my head and flew away into the sky leaving the loop and heading towards America. 

Goodbye Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children. 

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