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   Authors Note: I was just thinking that the songs "Human" by rag n bones and "Bottom of the river" by Delta Rae could fit Olivia's personality. I have more songs and pictures for her aesthetic in case y'all want me to post that. 


  Miss Peregrine walked me around the house introducing me to all the children. The first one I met was a girl named Claire. "This is Claire the youngest of all of my wards, isn't that right Claire?" the girl nodded staying right at the woman's side. I didn't bother to ask what her peculiarity is since I already knew. We moved on to two children sitting in the garden together. "I know him he's the one who kidnapped me and took me here" the woman looked at me with confusion on her face but she just kept talking. "Yes that's Hugh a boy with bees that live in his stomach and that's Fiona a girl who can make plants grow with her hands." "So there like meant to be is what you're saying?" as I said that both of the children looked at me with red faces. 

Fiona stood up and shook my hand "Fiona, Fiona Frauenfeld um sorry for um Hugh's um" "it's okay I should have just run but I didn't" I interrupted with the same emotionless face. I felt that I scared her since she had a pretty worried face "sorry if that was rude" I said looking at Miss p. "Very well then" she said straightening herself "we best get going there is so much more to introduce you to." 

While walking the little girl who was strapped to the chair and an older girl who dressed as a tomboy walked up to us. "HI I'M OLIVE! I can fl-" "you can fly," I said "how did you know?" she said with a  confused face. "First of all my apologies for interrupting but you were strapped to a chair so I just guessed" "wait how did you- WAIT YOU WERE THE MOUSE." "Olive! Polite persons do not yell at our guests" "sorry Miss Peregrine" the girl replied hanging her head low. "I'm Bronwyn," said the older girl since she probably knew Olive was going to start asking more questions. "She's really strong," Olive said while putting her arms up to show her muscles. The older girl giggled and dismissed themselves with Miss Peregrine's permission. 

"You came very unexpectedly, you know that right?" she said while looking down at me with a calm smile. "Well traveling back in time to 1943 wasn't really my intention," I said which made the woman laugh but she immediately stopped when she saw I wasn't laughing. "My apologies I didn't know you were being serious," 

"I wasn't," I said and then I remembered my face, I just offered to keep walking and we did. 

There was a boy sitting under a tree with toys and I asked Miss Peregrine who it was. "That's Enoch O'Conner a boy who can raise the dead" "huh," I said really amazed but yet it wasn't shown on my face. The boy looked up at us and just rolled his eyes I kept looking at him though even while we were walking away. 

Next was a boy who looked he was going to have tea with the queen of England or something. "Good morning miss I'm sorry for scaring you this morning," he said as he turned red and held his hand out. "It's okay I would be scared of myself too," I said in a monotone voice as I shook his hand. He looked at me most likely scared that I was lying and he looked at Miss Peregrine for reassurance, she smiled. "Horace Somunsson is the name, my peculiarity is having prophetic dreams. "That's interesting, so you see the future in your dreams and stuff" "yes!" he said smiling. I just stared at him with a straight face and nodded "see you maybe later then" and I grabbed my nag and started walking off. 

"And where are you off to Miss James," said Miss Peregrine with a serious look on her face and her arms crossed clearly being the bigger person. "Well I'm going back I mean I do have a schedule to follow Miss Peregrine," I said pointing to the village "You haven't met everyone yet!" she said while yelling a little bit. "I thought I did?" and that's when I remembered that blasted invisible boy who scared me the other day. "Oh yes! The invisible one" I said "I think I've already met him but thank you for thinking of him" I said as I started walking off. 

"Your forgetting about me," said a girl around my age who was now standing right next to Miss Peregrine. She had a stern look on her face and held her hands on her hips I'm guessing she was trying to be the bigger person as well but I just stared blankly at her. She clearly was a little disturbed by this so I took the first move "Olivia James, Peculiarity is something to do with something I don't know" I said sticking out my hand and being a tad bit sarcastic. Miss Peregrine was a little shocked that I took the first move and the girl shook my hand a little bit annoyed. I looked at her with the same straight, emotionless face that I looked at everyone else with scared that I was coming off with bad intentions. Miss Peregrine walked up to me and took me under her arm as we walked towards the house again. 

She didn't look at me but she looked as if she was going to ask something extremely important. As we walked off to the house though I could see the girl staring at me with eyes that could kill. Miss Peregrine soon started talking "You know Olivia I never had a peculiar child come without Horace having a dream or me already knowing. Clearly your peculiarity has something to do with animals which is something I've never seen before. Are you here alone Olivia?" she finally asked, "yea I came just to get um" I had to come up with a lie since I didn't know her that well "some stress of my back ya know." She nodded staring at me trying to get into my mind but I clearly wasn't letting her. 

"You remember the conversation we had earlier?" Yes, why?" "well a ymbryne takes care of children like you and I was wondering if you would like to stay with us?" I stood there in shock but it clearly wasn't showing on my face since she asked "unless you already have family" I shook my head no which indicated that I didn't and thankfully she understood. 

I took a deep breath and looked at my shoes while I could clearly feel her sharp eyes staring at me and my soul. "Thank you but um," I said looking up and I could see she understood what I was going to say. "Very well then" she replied looking sad and clearly interested in who I was. I shook her hand and headed out of the room and out the door. I looked around and saw the invisible boy looking at me from the garden where he was holding a soccer ball. I waved and if I was correct he waved back I took a breath and with my emotionless face walked to the rock formation. 

Once I walked out I stared at the rock formation and I shook my head. I couldn't stay with them I had a new life to live. I can't just stay under the "care" of another "headmistress" I just couldn't. I would be a handful anyway they would probably think I'm an emotionless freak. I walked off into the woods not looking back anymore it was just a quick adventure.

                                                               Back at the house

"Where did she go Miss Peregrine?" Alma turned around to see Olive with a confused look on her face. "Sadly she will not be staying with us," Alma said reassuring the girl with a smile "is she coming back tomorrow?" "I don't know Olive." Alma looked at the girl as she ran off into the next room. Why? Why wouldn't she want to stay it's a nice home, the children gave off good impressions.. well most did. It confused Alma on why Olivia didn't want to stay and also why the girl never seemed to show emotion. Why? 

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