She's back

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Olivia's pov:

      I woke up one morning feeling dizzy and sick. I put it off though since I didn't want to cause any trouble. The sun was shining as always and I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Horace had just gotten out and wished me good morning as he headed downstairs. I got ready and put on brown grey-ish pants with a brown cardigan shirt.

 I got ready and put on brown grey-ish pants with a brown cardigan shirt

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I head downstairs and sat next to Millard and Emma. We had pancakes and eggs that morning, the usual. Emma kept smiling at me during breakfast and I didn't understand why until I remembered who was to my left. I ignored her and started a conversation with him about space and time. It's one of our favorite subjects to talk about.

"Do you guys always have to talk to talk about boring stuff" says Emma

"It's not boring! You just don't understand it"

"That's true Emma," I said agreeing with Millard.

She gasped "wow I am offended but Like can't you talk about," she thinks for while "beach dates-days maybe?"

I spit out my water which made everyone look at me. 

"Are you okay Miss James? said Miss Peregrine looking concerned.

"Ye-Yes sorry," I said then turning to give Emma the death stare. Millard chuckled when he saw my face, which was all red. I couldn't finish my food since it was all covered in water 

We finished breakfast and I went to the forest with Bronwyn and the little ones. We picked up a few rocks and sticks for the fairy garden that we were going to build once we got back. Fiona was going to grow us a few flowers while I bring the clay houses that I made and painted for them. 

"Are actual fairies going to come Olivia" said Olive

"Maybe: I said smiling

"You just have to be patient Olive I'm sure that fairies are going to want to come"

"Yea Olive they are going to bring us good luck" said claire beaming with happiness

"All you have to do is tend to the garden and give them love and the fairy will come, right Olivia?" said Bronwyn smiling up at me

My cheeks turned pink at her motherly look "Yes, yes the will"

Once we got back I went upstairs and I got the houses. There was a little cottage and a little shed, also some clay animals that I got. I also made a few signs that said "Olive's and Claire's Fairy garden, all fairies welcome." I gathered everything and was about to go out the door when I forgot the fairy garden books that I had gotten. I got the books and that's when I tripped on my shoes on the floor. Everything fell but I immediately picked it up. I noticed that one of the signs was broken so I went to get glue but of course, I ran out. I went downstairs to ask Miss Peregrine where it was one I found her in the kitchen talking to a random woman. I suspected she was a ymbryne and I just asked Miss Peregrine where I could find the glue.

"Ah Miss James yes but before you leave say hi to Miss Palila, a Ymbryne"

I stuck out my hand to shake hers as she turned around and when she did I dropped all my stuff. It was her. She found me. She stood there smiling at me.

"Miss James how rude of you! Polite persons do not-" she finally noticed why I looked so shocked. "Miss James come he-"  I cut her out by running out of the room. 

I heard her scream my name and then the sound of glass breaking. She hit Miss Peregrine. I heard the children rushing in to see what happened but I just kept running. Enoch tried to stop me but my instincts just pushed him down and ran out of the door. I heard her running towards me screaming my name and calling me not very nice names. I could hear things smashing as the children tried to go after her but she just threw things at them stopping them.  I finally made it out of the house and I ran to the forest. I stopped to catch my breath when I heard sticks breaking. She was close. I ran as fast as I could until she grabbed me by the neck and pulled me to the ground, she put a gun to my head. 


A/n: Sorry this chapter is so short but like I'm also sorry for bringing in another problem. I'm not sorry okay I have no remorse or sentimental feeling for messing with you :)

-Rosielle <3

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