Save Her

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Miss Peregrine's pov: 

      I looked up from the boy and looked at him asking him to give me more information. I still don't know Olivia to guess her past and it is rude to assume but I can tell that Olivia is not safe. Who comes to Cairnholm just for fun? Horace began to speak again before more thoughts could fill my head. 

"She-she was leaving and she went in the woods and a-a man knocked her over the head. Then I saw her being dragged away into a boat and there-there was blood everywhere. She was then thrown into the water and she sank and she kept sinking" the boy said extremely scared.

I shook my head and held Horace until he had fallen asleep. I got up and headed back to my room and started thinking. Olivia was already a little odd, to begin with, and I know it's wrong to judge but it's true. She showed no emotion. In her journal she was talking about a woman taking care of her before, could this woman be after her? The poor girl was having a nightmare yet she didn't move or scream, she stayed still and just cried.  Tomorrow I planned to leave after breakfast and explain everything that Horace had seen. I couldn't be gone for long though I mean I still have my wards to take care of. I drifted to sleep surprisingly hoping that by tomorrow she would still be alright.

                                                   The next day

I got up that morning and prepared breakfast after getting dressed. The children came down one by one to sit at the breakfast table. Once we started eating breakfast I was bombarded with questions about Olivia. I dismissed them immediately and made sure that no more questions were asked. Horace seemed very uncomfortable with the Olivia topic but I gave him a sweet glance telling him everything was going to be okay.

After Breakfast I left Emma and Bronwyn in charge and I left the loop off to find Olivia. I changed into my bird form and entered the open window in the priest hole. To my surprise, Olivia was not in the room but a man and it was a man I did not recognize. He was going through her stuff as if trying to find something to make sure it was Olivia. He was wearing a rabbit mask and that's when I knew something was not right. I attacked the man biting at his mask and arms. He ran out of the room and I chased after him but once I got outside he was gone. I was filled with panic scared something had happened to Olivia. I flew down to the beach and located Olivia sitting on a rock writing something in her journal. I flew down and changed back into my human form just right behind her.

"Miss James, may I speak to you for a moment?" I said looking at the girl. 

She sat straight up clearly identifying her voice and turned around slowly concerned. She got up and walked towards me most likely scared or so I thought.

"Why are you here? I thought you understood what I meant by not staying" she said trying to be the bigger person.

I straightened myself and answered her with what Horace had dreamed last night. Her expression hadn't changed it was still the emotionless haunting face. She answered with a broken voice.

"How do you know that? What do you mean there was a man?" 

I told her that there was a man in her hotel room and that what I said had come from Horace's dream. I offered her to stay with us one last time for her safety, no I didn't ask her I ordered her. To my surprise, she agreed and she put on a hat and glasses trying to cover her face. She started walking away and I asked her what she was doing.

"I'm going to get my stuff, where else would I be going?" she replied.

"What if the man is still there?" I asked impatiently. I grabbed her hand pulling her in my direction.

She let go of my grip and told me that after my attack he most likely wouldn't be back. She sounded concentrated but it didn't show on her face she knew who this person was and she wasn't telling me. I changed into my bird form and followed her from the sky into her room. I asked her one last question to guarantee the safety of my wards.

"Is this person peculiar Miss James?"

"No" she replied sternly.

She finally finished packing and I put my hand to embrace in a hug to make sure she was okay but she shook me off. I was offended but I gave her time since this was probably a lot for her. I changed into my bird form and waited for her outside.

Olivia's pov:

      I walked out of the priest hole to find a peregrine falcon waiting for me from the roof. She started flying to the rock formation and I followed after her with all my stuff. Great they found me I thought- I mean this is the only reason I came so they wouldn't find me. I didn't show it but on the inside I was scared. These people hold a large amount of power and I couldn't go back I just couldn't. I just hoped that Miss Peregrine's home was different from her's. 

We entered the loop and she changed into her human form. I got a lot of stares since most people probably didn't recognize me. Miss Peregrine on the other hand just ignored the stares and kept walking. I just stared at her trying to identify her intentions but I couldn't. She finally looked up at me but I looked away trying to make sure she didn't see me.

Once we got to the home Olive immediately tackled me. 

"YOUR BACK OLIVIA YAY!" She yelled while hugging me tightly.

Miss Peregrine looked at her a stern look and she immediately let go. I got scared for a second thinking that she had some type of curse on them. She smiled at me though which made me feel calm but I dismissed it right away. I was only here to stay safe and after it was cleared I was going somewhere else to find safety. Miss Peregrine told the girl who clearly didn't like me to bring me to my room. She didn't show that she felt intimidated by me which I guess was her way of giving me a second chance. She was really pretty and I felt a little jealous that someone could look like that. Her name was Emma, Emma Bloom she started telling me about everyone in the house and when I asked her about the invisible boy and she said his name was Millard. That name sounded very nice I thought I have never met anyone named Millard before. She brought me into the room I would be staying in and she left. I had hope for this place and if I did decide to stay I hoped to build a friendship with Emma. 

I put my stuff in the corner of the room and took out the things I would need for the night. I sat on the bed and just stared at the floor scared of what could happen in the next few days. What if they found me I mean what are they going to do to me? I started breathing heavily and I started shaking until I heard a voice with nobody from the doorway.

"You okay?"

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