I'm Sorry

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This a recap of last chapter but in Miss Peregrines's pov.


Miss Peregrines pov:

      I woke up that morning to the usual morning sun beaming onto my eyes. I was surprised that I got to sleep that night I woke up and got ready for the day. I put on my usual black blouse and my black pencil skirt with stockings. I went downstairs and started preparing my coffee, always with milk and sugar. I took out all my ingredients and starting cooking our usual breakfast which is pancakes and eggs with orange juice or water.  Hugh and Fiona came downstairs first so I asked them to help me set up the breakfast table. Once they did the children all came down one by one to eat. I sat at the end of the table and started drinking my coffee which was now a bit cold and eating my breakfast.

Millard was on my left and Bronwyn was on my right. Millard was busy speaking to Olivia so I started a conversation with Bronwyn who wasn't speaking this morning.

"Is everything alright Miss Bruntley?" I asked

"Yea I just didn't get much sleep last night"

"Oh, was there anything bothering you?" I asked hoping she was okay

"Is there a ymbryne coming Miss Peregrine?"

"Not that I know of, why do you ask?"

''I just saw a bird that wasn't really native here and I just wondered" she said looking down at her food. I nodded my head no wanting to bother her more. That's when I was disrupted by the sound of spitting water. I look over to Olivia's whose face is red and whose drink is now all over her food.

"Are you okay Miss James?" I asked concerned

"Ye-Yes Miss Peregrine," she said turning to Emma who smiled at her, and then to Millard who was chuckling.

"Alright children everything is fine" I said while I got up to help Olivia clean up

After we finished breakfast everyone spread to do their daily activities. Hugh and Fiona went to the garden to take care of the plants. Horace went to the library with Millard to look for a few books for Olivia and Millard's experiment. Olivia on the other hand went with Bronwyn and the little ones to get stuff for something called a fairy garden. Emma went to her room while Enoch returned back to the basement. I went to the living room with my tea to continue my reading that I had started the day before. That's when I heard a knock on the door.

I went to the door with suspicions since I wasn't expecting any guests. I opened the door to find a blonde, blue-eyed woman only maybe 7 years older than me. I thought that this might be the ymbryne that Bronwyn was talking about.

"Good Morning Alma" she said smiling

I stuck out my hand to shake hers confused about how she knows my name.

"My apologies! Amy Sovrice Palila. I'm in ymbryne I have a loop in America and my loop was raided and I came to England knowing there was more people here." she said tears in her eyes

I was shocked. This poor woman I mean I didn't even know there were loops in America. 

"Yes Yes come in sit down" I led her to the kitchen and sat her down, I served her some tea that I had leftover. 

We talked about our children and how her loop was raided. I wondered why Miss Avocet hadn't told me about the loops in America but that wasn't important. I felt for the poor woman since a ymbrynes worst nightmare had just happened to her. The door to the kitchen opened and Olivia came in asking for glue. 

"Ah, Miss James yes but before you leave say hi to Miss Palila, a Ymbryne," I said after giving her the glue.

When Miss Palila turned around Olivia looked like she had seen a ghost and she dropped all of the stuff that was in her hands. I was angered and concerned at such a reaction. 

"Miss James how rude of you! Polite persons do not-" that's when I noticed the freakish smile on Miss Palila's face. I finally noticed who she was, she was the headmistress. The one who tortured Olivia, she had no children she had lied to me and I was ashamed to not see her lies. I felt guilt and I felt sorry for Olivia.

"Miss James come he-" she ran out of the room before I could finish my sentence. 

The last thing I felt was glass shattering and me falling to the ground. Before it went black all I heard was

"Thank you for the tea" 

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