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A/n: This chapter contains descriptions of abuse and torture rooms so please do not read if you get uncomfortable with such topics.


July 16th

Dear Journal,

       Today was an odd day you could say or "peculiar" my apologies I just had to I mean I'm only a child. There was a dark-haired woman who offered me to stay in something called a loop. A loop is something a ymbryne creates that relives the same day over and over again. Yes, I was actually paying attention to what she was saying how surprising. I said no of course because my entire life I had been under the care of someone who referred to herself as "the headmistress" and we all know how that went :/. I'm only going to be here for three more days so I'm probably going to take a few photos of the place and head out. I would like to trust the lady but after the many times, I have been betrayed I just can't. They seen very nice too! Well some of them I could tell were probably pretty annoyed by me but most of the time everyone is. Haha, I'm so quirky and annoying yay... yup I probably lost you already I'm so sorry. I wonder what it would be like if I chose to stay with the woman and her children. OH! I just remembered what her name was it was Miss Peregrine. You know like a Peregrine falcon yea she can turn into one of them it's pretty cool. I like turning into birds because you get to feel so free I mean no one can cage you and leave you alone in that cage. You can keep flying for as long as you want and also go as far as you want. 

     I started a new painting if you are interested :). You know that sound that's called "strawberry cow?" Well, I started working on a painting of a blueberry cow yay! I thought it was really cute so I just decided to go along with it. As I'm writing this the unfinished painting of my blueberry cow is sitting right next to me. Maybe tomorrow I can sit on the beach and finish it, don't ya think that would be nice?

     Remember that ghost that I was talking about last time, turns out he is not a ghost! He is a boy who is invisible yup you heard me correct invisible. I haven't met him properly but it probably doesn't matter anyway since I'm not going back.  I kind of feel bad for him though like imagine being invisible all your life, that would be awful. Maybe if there was a peculiar who could grant wishes he would be to control his invisibility. I don't see the point to mine though like all I can do is turn into animals and manipulate them and I mean what importance does that do. Anyway I should head to sleep tomorrow I'm going to wake up early to paint the early mornings. Goodbye!

- Olivia James 

                                                                Back at the children's home

     That night curiosity had gotten the best of Alma and she decided to check on the girl. Most of the time Horace would have a dream when someone was coming but he didn't. This is the first time a peculiar child has come to a loop unannounced so she knew there was something wrong. She got up from the chair she was sitting in and checked up on her children. She took a deep breath and changed into her bird form and headed out of the loop. 

Once she got to the priest hole she noticed that Olivia's window was open. Once she flew in she carefully and quietly changed back into her human form. Alma never had done anything like this, she never left her children, she never dove into anyone's life. Olivia was odd though she didn't seem interested or shocked as if she had seen this stuff a million times before. Alma remembered earlier when she had confronted Olivia about it, Alma had never done something like that she was always respected the past of others. She looked at Olivia peacefully sleeping but there was something haunting in the way she slept.

She slept as if she was sleeping in a coffin. As if one day death was going to come to her in her sleep and take her away. She slept with the same emotionless face that she had throughout the day. What scared Alma though was that she looked dead or as if someone had her locked in this position and she was trying to get out. 

Alma saw a journal open on the side of her bed. The curiosity that Alma had been building up got the best in her and she looked at what Olivia had written. On one page it was a photo of her home and herself standing in front of it. Alma smiled at how wonderful she looked in the photo and how realistic it looked. On the left page though was writing, Alma hesitated to read it though. She did end up reading and finally got a few answers to why Olivia chose not to stay. She wondered who this other headmistress was and what she had done to cause Olivia such fear. Who had betrayed Olivia? That's when Alma looked over and saw a tear rush down Olivia's soft but pale cheeks. She walked over and softly wiped the tear from her face. She hadn't changed her face though it was still the same. Alma changed into her bird form and took one last look at the girl before flying away.

Once Alma returned home she heard crying coming from Horace's room. She opened the door to find the boy curled up in a ball in the corner of his room. She rushed over to him asking what had happened and if anything was wrong which of course there was.

"It was her Miss Peregrine," Horace said crying.

"Who?" replied Alma trying to calm down the boy.

"The rat girl Miss P She- She was being tortured, whipped, tested on, and..." the poor boy fell silent as he lifted his head revealing big, red, puffy eyes.

"Yes, you can tell me, Horace it will be okay," Alma said hoping to maybe find answers about their visitor.

"She watched him burn" he said hauntingly 

Those words struck Alma hard but Horace kept going about the tortures he had seen of her. She had to dress and look the same as others, follow rules created by the headmistress, be abused by others, be starved and dehydrated, witness the disappearance of other children, and accidentally kill one of the doctors who were testing on her. There were many other things Horace had said but they were unable to be heard due to his sobbing. She took him into a hug and rubbed his head reminding him everything was okay. That's when Horace said something that made Alma's heart drop.

"She's going to die in three days, Miss Peregrine" 


A/n: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. This one kind of explains a few things she went through and like all that stuff. This is NOT glorifying any abuse and if you are going through such hard times PLEASE notify the police. We will still have flashback chapters though to understand more of the torture room she stayed in.

-Rosielle <3 

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