Flashback 1

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     "Your new here Olivia so you're going to have adapt to the rules," said the girl with an emotionless face. I watched as she gave me a black dress that was way too big for me. I had no idea why I was sent here, I mean I'm only 5 I deserve to live a life with my family. I walked out and she handed me a book called "The Headmistresses Rules." 

"We must follow them at all times if not the headmistress gets mad. Girls who have broken the rules got down the field and never come back so I would listen if I were you" she said still with an emotionless face.

"Rule number one, everyone must be the same" as she said this she took a knife a cut my hand. I screamed as I watched the blood gush out of my hand. "WHY YOU DO THAT," I said trying to find a napkin to stop the blood. "As I said Olivia everyone must stay the same. Sarah got a cut on her hand last week so everyone now has to have one" She said with the same crazy emotionless face. She washed off my hand and we kept walking. 

"What now?" I said crying while she sat me down in a chair. "We are going to cut your hai-" "WHAT NO NO NO NO NO," I said jumping out of the chair. 

She grabbed me by the wrist, her short yet sharp nails digging into my skin. "I said we must all stay the same Olivia that's what the headmistress likes. We need to give you a bowl cut so we can all stay the same." She tied me to the chair and gave me the haircut even though I resisted. After we were done she walked me down to the rooms while all the other girls looking just like her stared at me.

 "This is your room," She said emotionless "Yes it's small but I bet you will get used to it." I sat down on the bed, she walked behind me and kneeled in front of me. "Don't show any emotion, Olivia, the headmistress doesn't like it" she said wiping my tears with an emotionless face. "Being a normal human here is considered a sin" She said as she hung her head low and walked out. I sat there like a phantom wandering away in a snow storm. 

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