Secrets Not Told

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Bronwyns pov: 

        I rushed over to her and checked her pulse, she was breathing. I picked her up immediately and told Millard that we needed to get home NOW. That's when from behind a man in a rabbit mask yelled at us to put her down. His eyes were red and he was wearing all black. Millard pushed me and we ran taking the long way to the loop. When we finally thought that we lost him I put Olivia down and checked her injuries. I hadn't talked to her much but she seemed like a nice girl she was also very beautiful and it was a pity she never smiled. Millard I could tell was having a panic attack and I told him it was going to be okay. 

We entered the loop and carried her from the shore so we didn't draw much attention. At this point, I was covered in blood and I could feel tears in my eyes. I hoped that she would survive and explain everything that was going on. Once we finally got to the house Miss Peregrine opened the door ready to scold us but gasped once she saw me holding Olivia's cold, pale body. She rushed me upstairs to her room and we laid her down on the bed. I was told to take a shower and that's what I did. I could hear the conversation between Miss Peregrine and Millard though while they were cleaning her up.

"What happened?"

"I don't know! You should be glad we went after her because she could be dead Miss Peregrine"

"Do not speak to your headmistress like that!"

Fine! We found her on the beach and a man with a rabbit mask chased us"

Miss Peregrine gasped at this comment and I could tell something wasn't right.

Miss Peregrines pov:

     My heart ached at the sentence that Millard had said. Why would she run knowing he was out there? Why did she gasp when she saw me? Many questions were filling my head but I shook them away focusing on taking care of Olivia. The rest of the children tried coming upstairs but I ordered them to stay downstairs. I told Millard to get bandages and I started taking care of her injuries. I could tell something bad was coming but I didn't expect this. I cleaned her up and put the bandages on once Millard returned with them.

"I can help Miss P"



"Go Downstairs Mr. Nullings"


"Do not question me"

"I saved her!"



He went downstairs as I made sure that Olivia was still with us. There was something she was not telling us and I had to find out. I want the best for my children and the only way to do that is for them to trust me. I had to keep Olivia on guard since somehow she had a way of getting out easily. I looked down at Olivia almost in tears that I had failed her. I had only known her for at least three days and I already have her in awful conditions. 

I went downstairs and told the children everything was going to be okay and that they can return to their normal activities. The only one who stayed was Emma, my dear Emma.

"Is she actually going to be okay?" 

I sat next to her on the couch. "Of course," I said even though I wasn't sure. 

She got up and walked to the door until she turned around and I saw her tear-stained face. She kept apologizing and that it was probably her fault that Olivia had run. I made sure she knew it wasn't her fault.

I constantly checked up on Olivia but she still hadn't woken up. There were a few times where I caught the children peeking and I had to scold them. By the last time, I checked on Olivia dinner had already finished. I was worried since clearly, she felt she was not safe here. She didn't flinch as most do during reset and she gasped when she saw me. She looked like a doll, a doll that was sitting in a store window for all to see. I had just finished movie time when I went to go check on Olivia. I brought up a chair to sleep on to make sure I was there if she woke up during the night. Once I got upstairs she was laying in the bed with her eyes wide open crying and shaking.

"Shhhh it's okay Miss James do not worry I'm right here," I said.

She just kept staring at the ceiling and didn't stop shaking. I picked her up a bit and laid her in my lap so she knew she was okay. Once she was in my lap she stopped shaking and looked at me as if trying to say something. I told her to shush since I didn't want her to be in any pain.

"Please don't hurt me"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry I won't do it again"

"You didn't do anything?" I said confused

"Please don't send me to the white room"

That's when I noticed she wasn't talking to me. She was dreaming or having a flashback to a period in her life. She soon fell asleep in my lap with tears streaming down her eyes.

"Miss Peregrine!" Millard said as he barged into the room.

"Mr. Nullings what are you doing awake at this hour?"

"Look at her Journal! There are so many answers in here!"

I grabbed the journal out of his hand.

"Polite persons do not take other's stuff without permission! I do not know what is up with you Mr.Nullings but I do know that you will be doing the dishes for a week."

"But Miss Peregrine she wrote her entire life in there! She was in this home for girls, girls that were under the care of some woman. She was talking about how everyone needed to be the same. Maybe that person tortured her? Maybe that's why she- she's emotionless..."

I stared at him and dismissed him even though he refused. He finally left once Olivia started shaking again. I calmed her down telling her it was going to be okay. She was cold and she was stiff not moving when I put her back on her bed. I put her journal down wanting to look through it but I didn't. I already disrespected her privacy and I just couldn't do it again. I sat down in my chair staring at the girl who just looked like a doll. I had come to agree with what Millard had said, her childhood might have been spent in a torture house. Whoever this headmistress was is after her and all I knew was that I wouldn't let her go near Olivia or my children. They are the most important things to me and I couldn't let anything happen to them. If anything did I don't think I could live on. I cried myself to sleep that night like I usually did or if I even fell asleep. I fell asleep knowing though that Olivia would be safe and that once she woke up we could fix everything. 


A/n : Sorry this is such an odd chapter but I just wanted to make one where Olivia had no point of view :)

-Rosielle <3

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