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Olivia's pov:

     I feel my body go cold at the gun against my head. She told me to come with her and everything would be fine. I tried to get up but she told me that if I did I would get shot and so would everyone else. This woman had no remorse for anything. I got up with her and started being led to the boat that was on the beach. I could hear Bronwyn and Hugh calling my name but she told me that if I ran I wouldn't see light again. I knew that going with her would be the best choice but I wasn't going to let myself get tortured again, I also knew I would die in her hands at the home. 

"You are the devil you know that right Miss."

"Of course" she said smiling and tugging at my wrists and pulling her mouth to my ears

"I am the devil"

I shuddered at this and I knew that she was a monster. She finally put the gun down and tied my hand together. She opened the cage and this is when the beast inside me finally came out. 

I jumped at her and mauled her with my lion teeth. It was the first choice that came to my head since lions are such dangerous animals. I grabbed her arm and dragged her to the water. She tried to grab her gun put I bit at her hand which made her scream bloody murder. I felt like a psychopath, a murderer which at this point I was. I enjoyed seeing her in pain but something inside me felt bad, I tried to forget it but I didn't. I roared at her and jumped on her chest and started hitting her face. I was surprised no one came down to the beach after hearing her screams but I guess that's what she gets for parking so far away. That deep feeling of sympathy for her made me pull away but I was too late. She was dead. She just lay there and I was scared at the scene that I turned back into my human form. I was covered in blood and I started crying next to her dead body. I hated her but I couldn't accept the fact that I killed someone.

I saw a letter in her pocket and I grabbed it hoping for answers. It was a letter from Eliza. It was for me though and she talked about finding me and hoping that I was okay. The last part of the letter was that the headmistress was coming for me. That's how she found me she took the letter from Eliza. My heart started beating, Was Eliza okay? Where is she? On the envelope was an address which was supposedly Eliza's and also her work which was at the police department in New York. I put the letter to my heart hoping that she was okay since she managed to escape from the headmistresses abuse. 

Bronwyn's pov:

      I heard screams from inside and I ran inside to find Emma next to Miss Peregrines' unconscious body in the kitchen. I gasped and ran to her side with everyone now starting to crowd around us. Enoch ran into the kitchen saying that the lady had run after Olivia saying very awful things. Emma ordered Hugh and me to go after her to make sure she is okay. I tried to stay strong but while I ran out of the room tears started falling from my eyes. I saw her and I yelled at her to stop. She just threw things and Hugh and me with Enoch and Millard behind us. I kept running through until I was outside with Hugh. Hugh finally found her when she saw her running into the forest. 

"Over there" 

"Where?" I asked

He just ran after her into the forest and I followed behind. I was now starting to wish that I had told Olivia how I felt about her even though I knew she was straight. That broke my heart. I then started thinking of Miss Peregrine and if she was okay. We stopped since there were no tracks and nothing to say where they are. I could tell Hugh was scared as well and I just started crying and he came over and hugged me as I fell to the ground. He comforted me saying everything was okay even though his voice clearly said it wasn't.

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