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A/n: Thank you all for reading this story but sadly it's the end and I don't think there will be a sequel. You guys can make up your own stories for what happened (please tag me in them). I could do one shots to what happened after but that's up to you. :)


Emma's pov:

      I ran downstairs with Fiona clutching the letters in my hand hoping that they contained good news. The good news is all we needed right now. I felt my heart pumping faster the closer we got to the living room where everyone was waiting. I could feel a feeling in my stomach that wasn't good and that made me nervous. Olivia may have been to the side most of the time but she made a difference. I have never seen anyone go through so much trauma and still not have any problems. I mean look at me I had a bad childhood and I have my problems but, she had none. That's when I thought about Millard he was going to be heartbroken if these letters contain something awful. I opened the door for me and Fiona and once I did everyone stared at us. I gulped and finally stated the obvious.

"There was some um letter on her bed addressed to different people," I said. 

Everyone smiled and looked at Miss Peregrine. She looked at me and asked me to give her the letters. There were three.

"Who are they for Miss Peregrine?" Claire asked quietly.

"Well there is one for all, then for me, and" she paused just like Fiona did "to Millard," she said smiling. 

Everyone looked at Millard who was standing next to Bronwyn once she said that. Everyone knew that they liked each other and that they were very close to each other. He gulped and stepped forward grabbing the letter as Miss Peregrine gave it to him. He didn't open it though, he just stood there next to Bronwyn. I looked at her for confirmation that it was something good but she just looked at her feet with a gloomy look and a pale face. The feeling in my stomach worsened as Miss Peregrine opened the letter and read it to us. 

After she was finished reading it I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I had been so rude to her in the beginning and now she was gone, gone forever. Millard left to his room with his letter and we just let him go. I could tell Miss Peregrine was sad but she didn't show it not wanting to worry us more. She put the letter addressed to her in her pocket and put her letter on the table next to her as she took a deep breath.

Her voice broke as she spoke "as you can see some unfortunate things have happened but everything is going to be fine"

Enoch rolled his eyes muttering something under his breath as he got up and speed walked to his room. Horace who followed after was red-faced and puffy-eyed.

Everyone looked around but didn't speak, it was just silence, silence for Olivia. Millard walked in at this time sniffling and he gave Bronwyn a piece of paper and a bow. She read the piece of paper and smiled, she turned red and left when she saw all of us staring at her though. We all looked back at Miss Peregrine and she was red trying not to cry. I walked up to her and gave her a hug since now everything was okay. We all hugged Miss p as she hugged us back and we stood there for who knows how long.

                                                   Later that night

Miss Peregrine's pov:

      The children had all gone to bed as I sat in the living room with a glass of water and bandages on my head. Millard hadn't come down for dinner and I had to stay with him for 2 hours as he cried slowly on my lap. The two had a strong connection and it was very visible. It wasn't like Emma and Abe it was different and calm. Bronwyn as well needed calming as she confessed to me how she felt about Olivia. It pained me to see my wards heartbroken and crying. I too was pained to see Olivia go because I knew I could have helped her but I didn't. I felt guilty as if I had failed her and now she was gone.

I opened the letter and read what it had inside. I tried to contain my tears but I couldn't, they just started falling and I didn't know how to control them. I felt so vulnerable at this very moment. Did she think of our safety first? I could feel my lungs hurt as I thought of her writing these letters. Now she was gone and I had no idea where she was. Of course, I knew she would write since that's the person she is. I didn't want to see her go I mean she had grown so much here and now she had to go out in the real world. The only thing that would come out of my mouth was

"Goodbye Olivia James"


A/n: Hey guys so again thank you for reading! What do you think Millard and Bronwyns reactions were torwards their gifts? Also sorry for ending the story on a sad note (not sorry). 

Don't forget to read my other story called "A rainy day." Its about Jacob and another one of my OC's 

-Rosielle <3 

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