I wish I could

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Olivia's pov:

      I woke up from my awful nightmare with wide eyes and pain all over my body. When I looked around the room and saw Miss Peregrine sleeping on a chair near the end of my bed. I had bandages all over me and at first, I was confused. I started shaking again and I had no idea why I mean I trusted Miss Peregrine now. I needed to use the bathroom was the second thing that came to my mind. I got up slowly feeling the sharp pains move throughout my body. I hissed at every step that I took and I opened the door quietly. I went down to the bathroom and went inside making sure no one else was awake. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a bruise on my left eye and bandages on my head, I fell over from seeing myself in the mirror. I started crying because of how much the fall hurt and that's when I noticed the frantic heel-clicking happening outside. I tried getting up but I couldn't and once I got my arm to push me up Miss Peregrine opened the door with a panicked look on her face.

"Miss James you must rest! You are not well and those are my orders"

"But-but no i-i'm fine"

"No your not." She said as she helped me up and guided me back to my room

While we went back to my room I could see Emma peeking out of her room. I just stared at her until I couldn't see her anymore. 

Once we got upstairs Miss Peregrine helped me get on my bed and she pushed her chair closer. She sat down and looked at me with a serious yet concerned face. I was scared since I knew what she was going to ask. I started shaking again and all I could see was "her." I looked away and she put a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm going to ask you a question Miss James and you HAVE to answer it honestly"

I didn't look at her.

"Why did you run? And why are those people after you?

I started sobbing like a baby and this made Miss Peregrine try to give me a hug. I couldn't tell her but I knew if I didn't she might kick me out. I looked at her into her strong motherly-looking face and started shaking. She held me telling me that it was okay and that I was safe. I knew that wasn't true though 

"I-I wish I could Miss Peregrine I really do but-but I can't"

                                     5 Years Later

Olivia's pov:

     It's been 5 years since the incident and 5 years since I first met and decided to stay with Miss Peregrine. I learned a lot about peculiardom and how it's not actually a bad thing that's supposed to kill me. I also started regaining my emotions which took a long time, a lot of errors too which we won't talk about. I started discovering also that I have something called a "crush" on the invisible boy named Millard. Fiona doesn't understand how I find him cute since you can't see him but I always end up saying "just because he is invisible doesn't make him less human than anyone else." 

Fiona and Emma have become my girl besties and we always do little hangouts in our rooms when everyone is asleep. We watch movies that I brought and play cards against humanity which is some stuff that I found from the modern world. We also go on the canoe and bring the record player so we can read and listen to the lofi records that I brought. I really enjoy this concept of girl besties and it's really fun. Emma has opened up to me about her past lover who was a guy named Abraham Portman, honestly, he seems like a pretty chill dude. Fiona on the other hand loves to talk about Hugh which is her boyfriend (he is the bee boy). They make a cute couple and honestly if they don't get married I'm throwing hands at the universe.  

My real best friend though is Enoch, yes the grouchy boy. We connected on a lot of things and it's really interesting seeing his dolls come to life. We usually sit under the tree and fight over which doll is going to win. He is edgy though which kind of scares me but it's okay. We always talk about the fashion boy named Horace (one of my friends too also the dream guy). He always blushes when we speak about him and I can tell he has the "crush." 

I always play with the two little ones when Bronwyn isn't around. It's cute seeing how Bronwyn is like a second mother to them of course after Miss Peregrine. We always play tea parties and have dress-up parties in big pink dresses. I usually end up making their gowns since I took up sewing as a hobby. I always talk to Bronwyn when the little ones are taking a break. The boy that I had walked in on was her brother Victor and he had sadly passed due to a hollow attack. I always comforted her when she was sad about him.

Hugh and Horace, I didn't talk too much since they never really connected with me. Well except for Horace because we usually discuss fashion magazines and what colors look good with other colors. We also like to discuss vogue a lot of the time and how it has evolved. Hugh on the other hand would play soccer with me and tennis. It was a fun time outside in the shining sun, a bit hot though.

Millard always likes sneaking up on me when I'm in my feels which I honestly don't like but I find it sweet. We would always cuddle during movie time and Emma would always stare at us and smirk. We weren't dating since I don't know if Millard shares the same feeling that I do. All I know is that we have a lot in common and that he likes to spy on me which is cute. Emma says it's obvious since he uses cheesy pick up lines but I just don't get it. We also go out on the canoe and look at the view. I hope one day though that we can secure our relationship.

I ended up telling Miss Peregrine everything that had happened to me which led to my first year here with a lot of rules. Miss Peregrine is nothing like her and I know I can trust Miss P. She's kind of like the mother figure you never had or the mother figure you want. She may be strict and annoying at times but that doesn't stop her from being the baddie she is. She's very beautiful too and very kind which gives her extra points. She always gives me therapy sessions and I find them very relaxing. 

I really like it here and I hope it can stay that way. 


A/n: haha look how sweet it is....

-Rosielle <3

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