I cannot cry, but I can listen to your music
And that's good enough
I fell in love because of the way
Your hands moved
Rising up great spirits
Through the earth at our feet
Blowing like angels' trumpetsAlways to do with death
Blondie lights a cigarette
For a frightened, dying soldier
Jill faces up to a life
Where her husband and children have had theirs robbed
Gabriel mourns the loss of civilisation
By the white man's saviour
Noodles watches his friend slip
And his own wretchedness plays back on loop
MacReady bids the Antarctic goodnight
And the world with it
You showed how the most intense beauty
Howls forth when we die
The most selfish act
We could ever do, escaping
Desperately leaving a mark somewhere
Before blood and bone
Becomes dustThen there's Salvatore
Only hearing about death
Seeing the world a little emptier
Seeing also
What we leave behind
Living means living too
What you left
For us, now you've gone
All the sunsets and mornings and storms and nights
That last forever, full of pain
And love
That you captured with your hands
I will listen again
And cry that way,
As I've always done.@nepion_boreas17