Chapter 4: Video Scandal (pt.4)

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"You shouldn't have done that" Hitomi said while pouring some ointment on the cotton ball before tending Chaewon's wounded knuckles.

"Ouch" Chaewon hissed, she looked at her girlfriend. Hitomi's brows are knitted as she carefully placed the ointment on her cuts. Chaewon and Felix got suspended for one week "The class just started and you already had a case in the principal" Hitomi threw the cotton balls inside the bin and clean the table.

Chaewon stood up and hugged Hitomi from the back "Do you think I will let him kiss you? I won't let anyone to disrespect you like that" she whispered against Hitomi's ears before placing a soft kiss on her temple.

The door opened revealing Eunbi with a not-so happy expression and that's where Chaewon realized that she's doomed.

"Kim!" Eunbi yelled, she got a hold of Chaewon's ear and twisted it "Ow! Mom! Unnie! Ouch!" Chaewon grimaced, her eyes pleaded Hitomi to help her but, her girlfriend thinks she deserves it.

"You had a record already! It's not even a week since the class started!"

"Ouch! Unnie it was his fault!" Chaewon retorted but, Eunbi kept on nagging her "You better not do this again Kim! If we want to be a legit club for this school, then we should act nicely!" she nagged.

Another bell rang "Let's go to our class" they took their bags from the couch and left the room.

"Nako please calm down" Sakura tried to get a hold of the fuming Nako but, she was able to shrug her hand off easily. Chaeyeon tried to stopped her too but Nako is raging.

"Jang Wonyoung!"

The two girls inside the bathroom suddenly flinched "Oh babe! Good thing you're here, can you help me? Jiyeon unnie's hair is really sticky" Wonyoung said as she pointed at Jiyeon's hair.

All the anger in Nako's body is slowly going away, Sakura and Chaeyeon exchange glances as they stepped inside of the bathroom.

"Have you guys seen the post?" Chaeyeon asked, Jiyeon furrowed her eye-brows "Post? What post?" She asked.

Nako took her phone and shove it infront of their faces. Both Wonyoung and Jiyeon were taken aback "Kissing? What kissing?! I'm helping her!" Wonyoung retorted, her eyes landed towards Nako "Don't tell me you believed that".

Nako wasn't able to answer "So you do believe that?" Wonyoung then scoffed and left the bathroom.

"Wonyo!" Nako went after her girlfriend.

Minju's classes were done and since Yujin is still having her lecture, she decided to go to the library.

Upon typing her name on the computer she went to the farthest corner of the library to sleep. She's been fighting the urge to doze off and now, this is her chance.

She folded her arms on the table and closed her eyes.

"The video and that picture will surely tarnish those detectives and Jiyeon".

Minju immediately open her eyes but kept her head against her arms. She carefully took her phone out to record the conversation.

"I cannot wait take over Jiyeon's position"

"Soon you will, let's go our classes are starting".

When they left the area, Minju slowly lifted her head and pressed the 'save' button on her phone.

ENOZI Investigators

Frog Minju
Guys! I have a huge evidence here.

Kwon Leader
Good! We'll meet up later after our dismissal

The time went by and it's already their dismissal. Sakura and Chaeyeon were the ones who came inside the club room, Sakura setted the projector up "Do you think Wonyoung and Nako made up already?" Chaeyeon asked while helping her girlfriend with the wires.

"I hope so, it was a simple misunderstanding".

Chaeyeon stood up and back hugged Sakura "Are you going to be jealous too if that happens?". Sakura let go of the wires, turning around to face Chaeyeon before wrapping her arms around her nape.

"I know you won't do that"

"Really? Why?"

"Because I know you're mine" she then place a kiss on Chaeyeon's lips "And I'm yours ofcourse".

"Can the two of you please stop fucking?" Chaewon said as she cover Hitomi's eyes using her hand.

"Why cover Hiichan's eyes? It's not like you guys haven't done it" Sakura said with a teasing smile on her face. Soon, everybody is complete "Where's the tol and smol couple?" Hyewon asked, Sakura shook her head "There was a problem awhile ago, somebody posted a picture of Wonyoung and Jiyeon kissing inside the girl's bathroom" she replied, earning some loud gasps from their friends.

"My daughter wouldn't do that" Eunbi said and she sounded so offended "I know but, we gotta trust them unnie. I know they can handle it well".

Eunbi nodded, turning her gaze to Minju "What's your evidence?". Minju took her phone out and played the voice record but before they could listen to the recordings, a knock can be heard from the door.

Frowning, Hyewon stood up to open it only to be welcome by Bang Chan.

"What are you doing here?" Hyewon asked "If you want trouble you better leave". Bang chan shook his head "I'm here to give a statement" he said, looking at Hyewon with full seriousness.

"Love? Let him in" Eunbi said and despite being skeptical, Hyewon let Bang chan in. He sat on the couch, he cleared his throat before speaking "I know who took that video of Jiyeon" he said, he bit his lip as if he was contemplating "It was Vernon".



So it was Vernon hehehehe thank you again ^^ the chapters would get better soon :( i'm sorry

So it was Vernon hehehehe thank you again ^^ the chapters would get better soon :( i'm sorry

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