Chapter 20

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Chaewon, Hitomi, and Chaeyeon are strapped on a chair. Their eyes were blindfolded and all they can hear are their ragged breathes and the eerie silence surrounding them.

"Ch-Chaewonnie? Chaeyeon unnie?" Hitomi called out fearfully, her lips are trembling. Chaewon immediately responded to her voice "Hitoma? I'm here okay? Chaeyeon unnie is here too" Chaewon cooed she knows that Hitomi is scared and she couldn't do anything but to say any comforting words that may calm her.

"I hope Sakura made it" Chaeyeon spoke "I hope they won't find her". Sakura was able to escape the ordeal whenChaewon and Chaeyeon fought the man who forcefully carried them, Hitomi should escape too but, the man was able to get a hold of the latter's hair thus, bringing her back to van and Sakura ran away.

It was a tough decision for Chaeyeon but, she knows that her girl would tell their situation to Eunbi and with that in mind, they need to trust their leader.

A few moments later, they heard a metal door opened followed by a series of footsteps going near them.

"Ma'am, we weren't able to find the other one" Chaeyeon hung her head low and smiled, Sakura made it.

"Bunch of idiots! That's only one and you guys are five and she was able to outsmart your team?!"

"Sorry ma'am".

The lady turn her head towards the three girls and asked her men to take off their blindfolds. They squinted as the light coming from the bulb blinded them, they were able to slowly see the woman infront of them.

"You little shit! It was you?!" Chaeyeon spat.

Jiyeon bent down and smile "Suprise".

The others stayed by Sakura's side as they waited for her to wake up. Hyewon is still busy trying to contact their friends.

"They're not picking up" she spoke, concern is written all over her face "I've been calling for hours now".

They heard Sakura's grunt and they hastily helped the girl sit on the couch. Nako gave her a glass of water and they patiently waited for her to speak.

"Kkura" Eunbi called "Can you tell us what happened?".

Sakura's eyes started to water again as she held Eunbi's hand tight "Jiyeon took them" she said and it earned all sorts of reaction coming from their friends.

"Jiyeon? As in the president?" Minju chimed, Sakura nodded "It was her. When we entered the house, Mr. Byun was acting weirdly that time. He was talking about his days in ENOZI High but then, he pulled out a gun and pointed it at us" Sakura wiped her tears as she continue "They carried us towards the back of the house. I was able to kick the man and escape but sadly, I wasn't able to help them".

Sakura finally gave out and cried on Eunbi's shoulders. It was no one's fault but, Sakura couldn't help but to feel guilty for not helping them.

Yuri has been silent during the duration of Sakura's story. She knows it has something to do with her mom, she was guilty for dragging her friends into this mess.

"We'll call their parents" Eunbi spoke "They need know what happened to them and they might be able to help us, especially Mr. Kim".

The girls agreed to the plan and they hastily called them. They also got dressed to report it to the police station, the maknaes along with Yena were left inside the dorm.

"I trust with this Yena, no fooling around"

"No worries unnie, I got this" she replied before hugging the leader. Once the other group left the dorm, Yena locked the door and asked the maknaes to sleep already.

"You can go ahead now love, I'll just wash my face" Yena bent down a little and placed a peck on Yuri's lips before entering the bathroom.

She received a text coming from Hyewon, stating that Chaeyeon and Chaewon's parents are already there with them. She decided not to reply anymore as she continue to brush her teeth.

The whole dorm was quiet but, Yena can distinctly hear a beeping sound through out the dorm. She hastily finished up and search where the sound is coming from.

Yena found herself infront of Chaekkura's room. She twisted the knob and now, the beeping sound got louder and more prominent. Yena walked towards the bed and took the blanket off, only to see Sakura's laptop and the sound is coming from there.

She quickly opened the laptop and typed some codes. The duck's eyes widened "Holy fuck" she mumbled, she dashed outside the room and took the laptop with her. She went inside her room, opening the door with a loud thud "Baby, what's with the noise?" Yuri groggily asked as she squinted her eyes.

"Love, stay here with the others okay? I'll go to the police station as well".

Yuri frowned "Why?".

Yena stared at her, smiling "I think I know where they are".


Okay! Hello ehehehehe the book's end is near and, I'll publish a new book after this so stay tuned!

Thank you and stay safe!

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