♛ ᴘʀᴏʟᴏɢᴜᴇ

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A/N: HELLOOOOOOOOO! A request from xXdaydreamprincessXx! Darling, you changed your username and I didn't even notice until I couldn't find your profile. An asylum Iguro Obanai! As always, much love, please be happy and healthy! Thank you so much for the countless support and always, keep smiling!

"Sensei," and she slowly lifted her head up and her dark blue ocean eyes laid upon her assistant. She then let out a sigh as she propped her elbows onto her desk and placed her head into the 'V' shape that her palms had formed when placed together. A slight frown appearing on her face as she looked at her assistant once again.

"What is it? I thought I was supposed to be taking a break," she spoke out and let out a sigh as she noticed how her assistant was holding onto an all too familiar brown folder that she has been receiving endlessly ever since she rose up the ranks and was now one of the top tier psychologists.

"Another one that the other psychologist has given up on," her assistant spoke out and walked over to where she sat, handing her the brown folder towards her hand that was outstretched. She let out another sigh once again as she leaned against her chair, enjoying the comfort from the cushions.

"Hm... Another one... It seems he didn't want to continue with this patient as well, given how he has the same symptoms as the rest he had given up on," she spoke out and soon flipped through the file, and hummed a soft tune to herself.

"Yes, sensei. It seems so. It is said to believe that they are friends as well," her assistant spoke out and she nodded her head in response as she continued to read as well. Looking through the findings the previously assigned psychologist had written, only to frown a little then.

"They do have things in common in regards to what they are 'insane' about," she spoke out as she slowly lifted her head up and looked straight into her assistant's eyes, watching as her assistant nodded in response.

"When am I schedule with this patient?" she asked and watched as her assistant scrolled through the tablet to look at the schedule, and her eyes widened as she heard those words coming out from her assistant's mouth.

"Apparently right now, sensei. It seems they did the handover a little too late," and she let out a sigh as she stood up and grabbed hold of her outerwear, putting it on. She then proceeded to grab hold of her bag and started to walk out, with her assistant following her closely as well.

"Well then, maybe I should file a report against him for doing such a terrible job at handing over his patients," she whispered out, a little irritated that she had to deal with such a schedule once again, and she could only let out a soft sigh as her assistant chuckled softly.

"But sensei, I'm rather surprised that you are willing to go through this again," her assistant spoke out and she could only laugh softly as she turned to look at her assistant.

"Like, you are always believing whatever the patient says. Sometimes I don't know why you do it," her assistant added on and she could only smile softly as she placed a hand on her assistant's head and ruffled it gently.

"How can I not trust what these patients tell me when their symptoms and what they talk about are the exact same thing as my dearest assistant?" she said with a smile and her assistant could only let out a sigh then as they soon reached the level where the patient's wards were.

"Sensei aren't you scared?" her assistant asked, and she could only laugh softly once again.

"I have been doing these for the past few years of my life, why would I be scared? But then again, I will probably stop this job once I help this patient out," she said with a smile and soon stood in front of the ward numbered '1509 '.

She then gently knocked on the door and soon pushed it opened, and she watched with her pair of dark blue ocean eyes, staring into a pair of heterochromia eyes. A smile graced upon her lips as she watched him take a seat as if he was used to the procedure.

"Uh? Not the other psychologist?" he mumbled to himself and she watched as a snake slithered around his neck and she could only let out a sigh then as she gently took a seat before her patient and placed a hand out, watching as the snake slithered towards her arm and soon wrapped itself around her neck, nuzzling its head against her cheek.

"It seems Kaburamaru likes you,"

"Tanjiro, could you leave us for the first session?" she spoke out as she turned to look at Tanjiro who slowly nodded his head and took his leave then. She then smiled as she gently used a finger to tickle the snake on the underside.

"Well, good afternoon Iguro-san, I didn't mean to be late today, but the previous psychologist was being a total ass and handed you over to me at the very last minute," she said with a smile and Obanai's heterochromia eyes looked towards her name tag.

"Akane-sensei," he spoke out, and [name] smiled softly.

"A pleasure to be of help to you,"

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