♛ 04. ɪɢᴜʀᴏ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇʜᴏʟᴅ

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Tanjiro stood nervously behind [name] as she was seated in the office of where her mentor works in. He could feel the tense atmosphere between his boss and the asylum's boss, and he could only remain quiet as he continued to listen to the ongoing debate that was happening between them, and it was going to get messy pretty soon if one of them don't give in.

"So... You are still insisting on the fact that Iguro Obanai is perfectly sane?" he asked, and [name] nodded her head in response as she looked at Michikatsu who had raised an eyebrow in response.

"Sensei... You do know that I'm the kind who will do whatever it takes to ensure that my patients are perfectly mentally stable and are allowed to be out in the public. My report has stated so as well," [name] pointed out towards her report on his table, and Michikatsu could only let out a sigh.

"How sure are you that you will gain enough evidence to prove that he is well enough to leave this asylum?" he asked, and [name] raised an eyebrow in response at what her boss, and mentor, had just said.

"Sensei, I'm rather surprised you are questioning my capability," [name] whispered out and Michikatsu let out a soft sigh then as he rubbed his forehead in a little frustration, and soon let out a loud sigh instead.

"So, you're going to investigate the Iguro Household?" he asked, and [name] nodded her head, a little irritated with how her mentor was acting.

"Fine. Just be careful, can't lose another psychologist," he mumbled out and rolled his eyes when [name] flashed him a thumbs up in response, and his eyes shifted and looked towards where Tanjiro was.

"And please, sensei, do something about Murat-san! He keeps handing over the patients in such a way, I'm getting so stressed out!" [name] snapped, and Michikatsu could only shrug his shoulders in response then and Tanjiro had to hold back [name].

"Tanjiro, today you are going to have a session with Iguro-san on my behalf," [name] spoke out as she turned to take her to leave with Tanjiro following her close behind. The duo was seen leaving Michikatsu's office, and he soon let out a sigh the moment the door closed.

"How am I supposed to tell her that I'm leaving this place soon?"  he whispered out as he turned to look out of the full-length window of his office and looked at the prowling grey clouds that were coming in waves.

"Sensei, are you sure that I should conduct the session with Iguro-san?" Tanjiro asked and [name] smiled softly as she turned to look at her assistant, and gently squeezed his shoulder.

"Tanjiro, I'm going to leave this place the moment Iguro-san is free from here. If you plan on continuing with this line, then you will need to start somewhere," she said with the usual gentle smile and tone, and Tanjiro knew, he couldn't say no to her at all. He then hesitantly nodded his head in response and [name] ruffled him on the head.

"Well then, I'll see you tonight. I'll be heading out for my investigation now," she said with a gentle smile as she soon got off the elevator that led to the carpark, and Tanjiro could only sigh as the elevator door closed and it descended to the basement level instead.

Where the patients' wards were, and Tanjiro remembered the place a tad bit too much. Hating the coldness of the place, it was as if time had stopped within that area and he could only rub the back of his neck as the guards were looking at him.

After all, he was one of the patients before.

He then sighed as he walked down the cold and white hallway, and soon standing in front of Obanai's ward, and he gently knocked on it. He then pushed it opened and his dark red eyes laid upon Obanai who was seated at the chair as if he had been expecting someone to visit.

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