♛ 09. ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴꜱ

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"Uh... So hot..." [name] mumbled to herself as she shifted in her sleep. A frown appeared on her head when she realized that it was difficult for her to move in her bed, and she slowly opened her dark blue ocean eyes. Her head turned as she looked at the digital clock that sat aesthetically placed on her bedside table, and she let out a rather soft sigh instead.

It was close to the evening time, meaning she had slept the whole day away.

She frowned a little more when she felt a weight on her lower part of her body and she slowly looked down. She let out yet, another sigh as her hand reached out and gently ruffled the mop of messy layered hair. Her dark blue ocean eyes looked at the way Obanai had positioned his head, where she could still see a little of his peaceful-looking face then.

The way his lips parted as he slept peacefully together with [name] on the same bed.

She wasn't sure when it had started since it has been a good three days now ever since he had come to live with her because of what had happened. Things have been going smoothly, too smoothly, was what she found it to be.

She rubbed her forehead a little as she reached over to her phone, noticing how it was lighting up without any vibrations being heard. She let out yet, another soft sigh and looked at who was calling her.


"Hello?" [name] whispered out and she could hear the sigh of relief coming from Michikatsu himself.

"You got me worried. I have to try to call you ever since morning. What happened?" he asked, and [name] let out a soft groan then when Obanai shifted in his sleep and his body weight shifted, applying pressure to her hip bone.

"Nothing... I just woke up, I kind of crashed I guess," she mumbled out and heard Michikatsu sighing once again in response.

"You need to head back to the office to collect some documents. Cecil isn't being entirely nice about the situation currently," Michikatsu muttered out and [name] let out another frustrated sigh again at the mention of 'Cecil', their foreign boss who was being a huge pain in the ass.

"What a drag," [name] muttered to herself as she listened to Michikatsu's background, the sound of papers being flipped about was heard as well.

"Since you are coming back to the office, then I'll want to discuss with you in regards to Iguro's progress. Dinner?" he asked, and [name] could only hum in response then, realizing that she will have to leave Obanai alone at home for the night.

"Yeah, I'll just prepare dinner for Iguro-san first then," [name] mumbled out as her small delicate hand reached out and gently tapped Obanai on the side of his face. She watched as his heterochromia eyes slowly fluttered opened and he shifted his head to look directly at her, and [name] could feel her heart pounding hard against her chest at the way he was looking at her.

"Where are you going?" he mumbled out and [name] could only smile softly then as he sat up and allowed her to shift and sit up straight on her bed instead. She then yawned a little then, in synchronization with Obanai as well who yawned at the same time as her.

"I need to head back to the office. Will you be alright staying at home?" she asked, and watched as Obanai slowly nodded his head in response. She then smiled softly then as she got out from her bed and stretched her body, popping the few air bubbles that accumulated during her sleep between the joints of her bones.

"What do you want to eat?" she asked, and Obanai slowly shook his head then.

"Are you sure?" she asked once more and Obanai nodded his head once again. She then had on a slightly confused look then and watched as Obanai left her room. Unsure to why he was acting in such a way, [name] proceeds to leave her room as well to head for a quick shower before dropping by at the office.

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